首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Topography of spinal neurons active during hindlimb withdrawal reflexes in the decerebrate cat.

Topography of spinal neurons active during hindlimb withdrawal reflexes in the decerebrate cat.


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There exists a spatial organization of receptive fields and a modular organization of the flexion withdrawal reflex system. However, the three dimensional location and organization of interneurons interposed in flexion reflex pathways has not been systematically examined. We determined the anatomical locations of spinal neurons involved in the hindlimb flexion withdrawal reflex using expression of the immediate early gene c-fos and the corresponding FOS protein. The flexion withdrawal reflex was evoked in decerebrate cats via stimulation of the tibial or superficial peroneal nerve. Animals that received stimulation had significantly larger numbers of cells expressing FOS-like immunoreactivity (42.7+/-2.3 cells/section, mean+/-standard error of the mean) than operated unstimulated controls (18.6+/-1.4 cells/section). Compared with controls, cells expressing FOS-like immunoreactivity were located predominantly on the ipsilateral side, in laminae IV-VI, at L6 and rostral L7 segments, and between 20% and 60% of the distance from the midline to the lateral border of the ventral gray matter. Labeled neurons resulting from tibial nerve stimulation were medial to neurons labeled following superficial peroneal nerve stimulation in laminae I-VI, but not VII. The mean mediolateral positions of labeled neurons from both nerves shifted medially as the transverse plane in which they were viewed was moved from rostral to caudal and as the coronal plane in which they were viewed was moved from dorsal to ventral. The mediolateral separation between populations of labeled cells was consistent with primary afferent projections and the location of reflex encoders. This topographical segregation corresponding to different afferent inputs is a possible anatomical substrate for a modular organization of the flexion withdrawal reflex system.
机译:存在感受野的空间组织和屈曲回缩反射系统的模块化组织。但是,还没有系统地检查插入在屈曲反射途径中的中间神经元的三维位置和组织。我们使用立即早期基因c-fos和相应的FOS蛋白的表达确定了参与后肢屈曲反射的脊髓神经元的解剖位置。通过刺激胫骨或腓浅神经,诱发去脑猫的屈曲撤回反射。受到刺激的动物比未经刺激的对照组(18.6 +/- 1.4个细胞/切片)表达FOS样免疫反应性的细胞数量大得多(42.7 +/- 2.3个细胞/切片,平均值的平均值+/-标准误)。与对照组相比,表达FOS样免疫反应性的细胞主要位于同侧,在IV-VI层中,位于L6和rostral L7段,从中线到外侧边缘的距离在20%至60%之间。腹灰质。胫骨神经刺激产生的标记神经元位于I-VI层而非腓肠浅表腓神经刺激后的神经元内侧。标记神经元从两个神经的平均外侧位置向内移动,因为从中看到的横断面从延髓向尾状移动,而从它们看到的冠状平面从背侧变向腹侧。标记细胞群之间的中外侧分离与初级传入投影和反射编码器的位置一致。对应于不同传入输入的这种地形隔离是屈曲牵开反射系统的模块化组织的可能的解剖学基质。



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