首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >D1-like dopamine receptor density in nuclei involved in social behavior correlates with song in a context-dependent fashion in male European starlings.

D1-like dopamine receptor density in nuclei involved in social behavior correlates with song in a context-dependent fashion in male European starlings.


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Research in songbirds shows that singing behavior is regulated by both brain areas involved in vocal behavior as well as those involved in social behavior. Interestingly, the precise role of these regions in song can vary as a function of the social, environmental and breeding context. To date, little is known about the neurotransmitters underlying such context-dependent regulation of song. Dopamine (DA) modulates highly motivated, goal-directed behaviors (including sexually motivated song) and emerging data implicate DA in the context-dependent regulation of singing behavior. This study was performed to begin to examine whether differences in DA receptors may underlie, in part, context-dependent differences in song production. We used autoradiographic procedures to label D1-like and D2-like DA receptors to examine the relationship between DA receptor density and singing behavior in multiple contexts in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Within a breeding context (when testosterone (T) was high), D1-like receptor density in the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) and midbrain central gray (GCt) negatively correlated with song used to attract a female. Additionally in this context, D1-like receptor density in POM, GCt, medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTm), and lateral septum (LS) negatively correlated with song likely used to defend a nest box. In contrast, in a non-breeding context (when T was low), D1-like receptor density in POM and LS positively correlated with song used to maintain social flocks. No relationships were identified between song in any context and D2-like receptor densities. Differences in the brain regions and directional relationships between D1-like receptor binding and song suggest that dopaminergic systems play a region and context-specific role in song. These data also suggest that individual variation in singing behavior may, in part, be explained by individual differences in D1-like receptor density in brain regions implicated in social behavior.
机译:对鸣禽的研究表明,歌唱行为受参与声音行为的大脑区域以及参与社交行为的大脑区域的调节。有趣的是,这些地区在歌曲中的确切作用可能会根据社会,环境和繁殖环境而变化。迄今为止,关于这种取决于上下文的歌曲调节的神经递质还知之甚少。多巴胺(DA)调节高度积极,目标明确的行为(包括性动机歌曲),而新兴数据使DA牵涉到上下文依赖的歌唱行为调节中。进行这项研究是为了开始检查DA受体的差异是否可能部分取决于歌曲产生中的上下文相关差异。我们使用放射自显影程序标记D1样和D2样DA受体,以研究欧洲八哥(Sturnus vulgaris)在多种情况下DA受体密度与歌唱行为之间的关系。在繁殖环境中(睾丸激素(T)较高时),视前内侧核(POM)和中脑中央灰色(GCt)中的D1样受体密度与用来吸引雌性的歌曲呈负相关。此外,在这种情况下,POM,GCt,末端纹状体内侧床核(BSTm)和外侧中隔膜(LS)中的D1样受体密度与可能用于捍卫巢箱的歌曲呈负相关。相反,在非繁殖环境中(当T低时),POM和LS中的D1样受体密度与用来维持社交群的歌曲呈正相关。在任何情况下歌曲与D2样受体密度之间均未发现相关性。 D1样受体结合和歌曲之间的大脑区域和方向关系的差异表明,多巴胺能系统在歌曲中起区域和特定于上下文的作用。这些数据还表明,歌唱行为的个体差异可以部分地通过与社会行为有关的大脑区域中D1样受体密度的个体差异来解释。



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