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Explanatory unification and natural selection explanations


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The debate between the dynamical and the statistical interpretations of natural selection is centred on the question of whether all explanations that employ the concepts of natural selection and drift are reducible to causal explanations. The proponents of the statistical interpretation answer negatively, but insist on the fact that selection/drift arguments are explanatory. However, they remain unclear on where the explanatory power comes from. The proponents of the dynamical interpretation answer positively and try to reduce selection/drift arguments to some of the most prominent accounts of causal explanation. In turn, they face the criticism raised by statisticalists that current accounts of causation have to be violated in some of their core conditions or otherwise used in a very loose manner in order to account for selection/drift explanations. We propose a reconciliation of both interpretations by conveying evolutionary explanations within the unificationist model of scientific explanation. Therefore, we argue that the explanatory power in natural selection arguments is a result of successful unification of individual- and population-level facts. A short case study based on research on sympatric speciation will be presented as an example of how population- and individual-level facts are unified to explain the morphological mosaic of bill shape in island scrub jays (Aphelocoma insularis).
机译:关于自然选择的动力学解释和统计解释之间的争论集中在以下问题上:采用自然选择和漂移概念的所有解释是否都可以归结为因果解释。统计解释的支持者回答否定,但坚持选择/漂移论点具有解释性这一事实。但是,他们仍然不清楚解释力从何而来。动力解释的支持者做出了积极的回答,并试图将选择/漂移论证减少到因果解释的一些最重要的解释上。反过来,他们面对统计学家提出的批评,即在某些核心条件下必须违反因果关系的现有说法,或者以非常宽松的方式使用因果关系来解释选择/漂移的解释。通过在科学解释的统一主义模型中传达进化论的解释,我们提出了两种解释的和解。因此,我们认为自然选择论证中的解释力是个人和人口层面事实成功统一的结果。将提供一个基于同胞物种形成研究的简短案例研究,作为一个示例,说明如何将人口和个人层面的事实统一起来,以解释岛上灌丛周杰伦(Aphelocoma insularis)帐单形状的形态镶嵌。



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