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Handedness prevalence in the deaf: Meta-analyses


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An under-investigated aspect of handedness, a biological proxy for cerebral laterality for language, is its prevalence amongst deaf individuals. We present four sets of meta-analyses on studies measuring handedness prevalence in deaf individuals, comprising 31 data sets and totaling 5,392 participants (4,606 deaf, 786 hearing). Deaf individuals were found to be 2.61 times more likely to be non-right-handed and 2.25 times more likely to be left-handed compared to their hearing counterparts. When handedness was measured by means of manipulative actions, the weighted estimates of handedness prevalence for deaf populations were 17.70% and 14.70% for non-right- and left-handedness respectively; when handedness was measured by means of sign actions, the prevalence was 10.60% and 9.70%, respectively. Yet, when comparing studies that measured handedness in the same deaf individuals using both manipulative and sign actions, no difference was found in their handedness prevalence. This pattern is taken to suggest that the higher prevalence of atypical handedness in the deaf population may be linked to delayed language acquisition. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:未得到充分研究的手性是语言在大脑中的偏侧性的生物学替代物,在聋人中普遍存在。我们提供了四组荟萃分析,这些研究对测量聋人的手性患病率进行了研究,包括31个数据集和总共5,392名参与者(4,606名聋人,786名听力)。与听力正常的聋人相比,聋人非惯用右手的可能性高2.61倍,惯用左手的可能性高2.25倍。当通过操纵行动来测量手感时,聋人的手感流行率的加权估计分别为非右手和左手习惯的17.70%和14.70%。当通过手势动作来测量习惯性时,患病率分别为10.60%和9.70%。但是,当比较使用手法和手法测量同一聋人的惯用性时,他们的惯用性患病率没有差异。采取这种模式表明,聋人中非典型的习惯性患病率较高可能与语言习得延迟有关。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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