首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >New Technologies for Assessing Health in Essentially Healthy People

New Technologies for Assessing Health in Essentially Healthy People


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This article discusses the problems of developing new techniques for assessing health in essentially healthy people, based on the experience of many years of studying cosmonauts at the Institute of Medical- Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, led by Academician A. I. Grigor'ev. The monograph Concepts of Health in Space Medicine was published in 2007 and described principles for assessing health in essentially healthy people working in conditions of chronic stress. These principles were put into practice in the same year by development of the Ecosan-2007 apparatus. This was trialed on bus drivers and civil pilots and has been used in the Mars 500 project since 2009. All these developments and investigations were performed with the support of the "Basic sciences - medicine" Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the initiator and coordinator of the investigations was Academician A. I. Grigor'ev. In the Mars 500 project, six members of an international "Mars" crew were studied in a hermetically sealed chamber simulating a spacecraft. The Ecosan-2007 apparatus was used, among others. This apparatus was used to assess a further 125 subjects in 12 different parts of the world, living in natural social-industrial conditions. These long-term medical-ecological studies yielded important experimental grounds for a preclinical approach to assessment of health. A methodology for the remote assessment of the effects of ecological factors on health was developed in the framework of these studies, and this gave rise to a new applied scientific area - telemedicine ecology. The article concludes by evaluated questions of the further introduction of new techniques for preclinical diagnosis into healthcare practice.
机译:本文根据由A. I. Grigor'ev院士领导的俄罗斯科学院医学与生物问题研究所多年研究宇航员的经验,讨论了开发用于评估基本健康人群健康状况的新技术的问题。太空医学中的健康概念专着发表于2007年,描述了在慢性应激条件下工作的基本健康人群的健康评估原则。这些原理是在同年通过开发Ecosan-2007设备而付诸实践的。该工具已在公共汽车驾驶员和民用飞行员身上进行了试验,自2009年以来已在Mars 500项目中使用。所有这些开发和研究都是在俄罗斯科学院主席团的“基础科学-医学”计划的支持下进行的。调查的发起者和协调者是AI Grigor'ev院士。在“火星500”项目中,在模拟航天器的密闭室内研究了六名国际“火星”机组人员。除其他外,还使用了Ecosan-2007设备。该仪器用于评估世界上12个不同地区的125位自然社会工业条件下的受试者。这些长期的医学生态学研究为临床前评估健康状况提供了重要的实验基础。在这些研究的框架内,开发了一种远程评估生态因子对健康影响的方法,这产生了一个新的应用科学领域-远程医疗生态学。本文以评估问题结束,以进一步将临床前诊断新技术引入医疗保健实践。



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