首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >Ontogenetic Characteristics of Behavior in Rats Subjected to Hypoxia on Day 14 or Day 18 of Embryogenesis

Ontogenetic Characteristics of Behavior in Rats Subjected to Hypoxia on Day 14 or Day 18 of Embryogenesis


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Physiological development, motor activity, and cognitive functions were studied in ratsubjected toacute normobaric hypoxic hypoxia (3 h at an 02 concentration of 7%) at different stages oUnbryogen-esis (days E14 or El 8). Prenatal hypoxia was found to lead to delays in physiological development andthe establishment of motor behavior during the first month of postnatal ontogenesis. These changes weremore marked in rats subjected to hypoxia on day 14 of intrauterine development and disappeared withage. In adult rats, regardless of the timing of exposure to hypoxia (E14 or El 8), learning ability wasdegraded and long-term and short-term memory were impaired. These results suggest that exposure tothe pathogenic factor during the main period of neuroblast generation and migration (E14) was signifi-cant both for physiological development and the establishment of motor behavior in the animals and forthe execution of the cognitive functions of the brain, while exposure during the period at which matura-tion and differentiation processes dominate in the brain (El 8) was more significant in relation to the exe-cution of cognitive functions.
机译:在大鼠原发性痴呆的不同阶段(E14或El 8天),对大鼠进行了急性常压低氧缺氧(3 h,02浓度为7%)时的生理发育,运动活动和认知功能的研究。发现产前缺氧会导致出生后第一个月内生理发育的延迟和运动行为的建立。这些变化在宫内发育第14天遭受缺氧的大鼠中更明显,并且消失了。在成年大鼠中,无论暴露于缺氧的时间(E14或El 8)如何,学习能力都会下降,长期和短期记忆都会受到损害。这些结果表明,在成神经细胞生成和迁移的主要阶段(E14)暴露于致病因子对于动物的生理发育和运动行为的建立以及大脑认知功能的执行都具有重要意义。在大脑成熟和分化过程占主导地位的时期(El 8),与认知功能的执行有关。



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