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Smile and laughter elicited by electrical stimulation of the frontal operculum


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Laughter and smile are typical expressions of mirth and fundamental means of social communication. Despite their general interest, the current knowledge about the brain regions involved in the production of these expressions is still very limited, and the principal insights come from electrical stimulation (ES) studies in patients, in which, nevertheless, laughter or smile have been elicited very rarely. Previous studies showed that laughter is evoked by the stimulation of nodes of an emotional network encompassing the anterior cingulate, the superior frontal and basal temporal cortex. A common feature of these stimulation studies is that the facial expression was always accompanied by motor awareness and often by mirth, in line with the affective functions attributed to these regions. Little is known, in contrast, on the neural basis of the voluntary motor control of this expression. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of ES of the frontal operculum (FO), which is considered a crucial node for the linkage of the voluntary motor system for emotional expression and limbic emotional network. We report the case of ES applied to the frontal operculum (FO) in four patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy undergoing stereo-electroencephalographic (SEEG) implantation of intracerebral electrodes. In all patients, ES applied to the FO produced laughter or smile. Interestingly, in one patient, the production of a smiling expression was also clearly accompanied by the lack of motor awareness. Since the lack of motor awareness has been previously observed only after the stimulation of the voluntary motor network, we speculate that FO is involved in the voluntary control of facial expressions, and is placed at the interface with the emotional network, gating limbic information to the motor system. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:笑声和笑容是快乐的典型表达,是社交交流的基本手段。尽管他们普遍感兴趣,但是目前关于这些表达产生所涉及的大脑区域的知识仍然非常有限,并且主要见解来自对患者的电刺激(ES)研究,尽管如此,这些研究还是引起了笑声或笑容。非常稀有。先前的研究表明,刺激包括前扣带回,额额上皮和基底颞皮层在内的情绪网络的节点会引起笑声。这些刺激研究的一个共同特征是,面部表情总是伴随着运动意识并且常常伴随着欢乐,这与归因于这些区域的情感功能相一致。相比之下,对这种表达的自动运动控制的神经基础知之甚少。这项研究的目的是调查额(ES)的ES的作用,该作用被认为是情感表达和边缘情感网络自愿运动系统联系的关键节点。我们报告了四例耐药性局灶性癫痫患者的脑电图植入ES的情况,这四例患者患有局灶性脑电图(SEEG)植入。在所有患者中,将ES应用于FO都会产生笑声或微笑。有趣的是,在一名患者中,微笑表情的产生也明显伴随着缺乏运动意识。由于以前只有在刺激了自愿运动网络后才观察到缺乏运动意识,因此我们推测FO参与了面部表情的自愿控制,并位于情绪网络的界面,将边缘信息门控电机系统。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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