首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >Hippocampal activity mediates the relationship between circadian activity rhythms and memory in older adults

Hippocampal activity mediates the relationship between circadian activity rhythms and memory in older adults


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Older adults experience parallel changes in sleep, circadian rhythms, and episodic memory. These processes appear to be linked such that disruptions in sleep contribute to deficits in memory. Although more variability in circadian patterns is a common feature of aging and predicts pathology, little is known about how alterations in circadian activity rhythms within older adults influence new episodic learning. Following 10 days of recording sleep-wake patterns using actigraphy, healthy older adults underwent fMRI while performing an associative memory task. The results revealed better associative memory was related to more consistent circadian activity rhythms, independent of total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and level of physical activity. Moreover, hippocampal activity during successful memory retrieval events was positively correlated with associative memory accuracy and circadian activity rhythm (CAR) consistency. We demonstrated that the link between consistent rhythms and associative memory performance was mediated by hippocampal activity. These findings provide novel insight into how the circadian rhythm of sleep-wake cycles are associated with memory in older adults and encourage further examination of circadian activity rhythms as a biomarker of cognitive functioning. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:老年人在睡眠,昼夜节律和间歇性记忆方面会发生平行变化。这些过程似乎联系在一起,从而导致睡眠中断导致记忆力减退。尽管昼夜节律模式的更多可变性是衰老的共同特征并可以预测病理,但对于老年人中昼夜节律活动节奏的变化如何影响新的情节学习,人们所知甚少。在使用手写记录法记录睡眠-唤醒模式的10天之后,健康的老年人在执行相关的记忆任务时接受了功能磁共振成像。结果表明,更好的联想记忆与更一致的昼夜节律有关,与总睡眠时间,睡眠效率和身体活动水平无关。此外,成功的记忆检索事件期间海马活动与联想记忆的准确性和昼夜活动节律(CAR)一致性呈正相关。我们证明了一致的节奏和联想记忆性能之间的联系是由海马活动介导的。这些发现为老年人觉醒周期的昼夜节律与记忆相关联提供了新颖的见解,并鼓励进一步检查昼夜节律活动节律作为认知功能的生物标志物。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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