首页> 外文期刊>Biology and fertility of soils: Cooperating Journal of the International Society of Soil Science >Dynamics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen associated with physically separated fractions in a grassland-cultivation sequence in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau

Dynamics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen associated with physically separated fractions in a grassland-cultivation sequence in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau


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This study is aimed at quantifying organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) dynamics associated with physically separated soil fractions in a grassland-cultivation sequence in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Concentrations of organic C and N of soil, free and occluded particulate organic matter (OM), and aggregate- and mineral-associated OM in different land uses are increased in the following order: 50 years cultivation<12 years cultivationTnative grassland. The prolonged cropping of up to 50 years markedly affected the concentrations of free and occluded particulate OM and mineral-associated OM. After wet-sieving, 43% of native grassland soil mass was found in >110 mm water-stable aggregates that stored 40% of bulk soil organic C and N; only 16% and 7% of soil mass containing 16% and 7% of bulk soil organic C and N was >110 mm water-stable aggregates of soils cultivated for 12 years and 50 years, respectively. This indicated that losses of soil organic C and N following cultivation of native grassland would be largely related to disruption of >1-10 mm size aggregates and exposure of intra-aggregate OM to microbial attack. Organic C and N concentrations of soil aggregates were similar among aggregate size fractions (>0.0510 mm) within each land use, suggesting that soil aggregation process of these soils did not follow the hierarchy model. The increase of the C-to-N ratio of free and occluded particulate fractions in the cultivated soils compared to the grassland soil indicated a greater loss of N than C.
机译:这项研究旨在量化与青藏高原草原耕作序列中物理分离的土壤部分相关的有机碳(C)和总氮(N)动态。不同土地利用方式下土壤的有机碳和氮,游离和封闭的颗粒有机物(OM)以及与团聚体和矿物质相关的OM的浓度按以下顺序增加:50年耕种<12年耕种传统草地。长达50年的长期种植显着影响了游离和封闭的颗粒OM和与矿物相关的OM的浓度。经过湿筛后,在> 110 mm的水稳性团聚体中发现了43%的天然草地土壤,其中40%的土壤有机碳和氮存储在土壤中。分别含有12%和7%的土壤有机碳和N的土壤质量中,分别只有16%和7%的土壤在12年和50年内的水稳性团聚体大于110毫米。这表明耕种天然草原后土壤有机碳和氮的损失在很大程度上与> 1-10毫米大小的团聚体的破坏以及团聚体内部的OM受到微生物侵袭有关。在每个土地利用中,土壤团聚体的有机碳和氮浓度在集聚体大小分数(> 0.0510 mm)之间是相似的,这表明这些土壤的土壤聚集过程没有遵循层次模型。与草地土壤相比,耕作土壤中游离和被吸附的颗粒级分的碳氮比增加,表明氮的损失大于碳。



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