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Assessment Of Nuclear Density Measurements In The Quality Control Of Highway Construction


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The quality of highway construction is considered a major concern of highway engineers working in design and supervision, as well as to contractors. Density, moisture content, and compaction are the primary quality control limits. The implementation of quality control programs for asphaltic concrete pavements and base course are motivated by growing belief that cooperative owner-contractor efforts at construction management will lead to higher quality to make sure that the parameters under consideration are achieved in the field to meet the design requirements. Nuclear density measurement depends mainly on the attenuation of gamma radiation due to Compton scattering and photoelectric absorption which directly related to the electron density of the material as an indication of the mass density of specific materials having a chemical composition approximately as that of the crust of the earth.
机译:公路建设的质量被认为是从事设计和监理工作的公路工程师以及承包商的主要关注点。密度,水分含量和压实度是主要的质量控制限制。人们越来越相信,业主和承包商在建筑管理方面的合作努力将带来更高的质量,以确保在现场达到所考虑的参数以满足设计要求,从而推动了沥青混凝土路面和基层质量控制计划的实施。 。核密度的测量主要取决于康普顿散射和光电吸收引起的伽马辐射的衰减,这直接与材料的电子密度有关,以指示具有化学组成近似于壳的化学成分的特定材料的质量密度。地球。



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