首页> 外文期刊>Biology and fertility of soils: Cooperating Journal of the International Society of Soil Science >Suppression of soil-borne pathogens of tomato by composts derived from agro-industrial wastes abundant in Mediterranean regions

Suppression of soil-borne pathogens of tomato by composts derived from agro-industrial wastes abundant in Mediterranean regions


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We studied nine composts derived from wastes and by-products of the olive oil, wine, and Agaricus mushroom agro-industries. They were mixed with peat at 1:3 w w p# ratios and comparatively evaluated in pot experiments to assess suppressiveness against soil-borne and foliar pathogens of tomato. All compost amendments demonstrated high levels of suppressiveness against Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan in tomato, when they were applied directly after curing (T0) indicating the occurrence of a general suppression phenomenon (81-100% decrease in plant disease incidence). They were, however, relatively less effective when applied 9 months after curing (T1, 55-100% disease decrease). Suppressiveness against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici Jarvis & Shoemaker was relatively lower and varied widely among composts (8-95% and 22-87% decrease in plant disease incidence for T0 and T1, respectively). Three of the composts conferred induced systemic resistance against the foliar pathogen Septoria lycopersici Speg. Biotic properties were determined, including respiration, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, and o-glucosidase activity of composts. The comparative evaluation of the nine composts revealed no shared critical biotic or abiotic characteristics indicative of their suppressive effects on the soil-borne and foliar pathogens. The complex origin of compost suppressiveness is discussed and the implementation of individual evaluation of each compost product for a specific use is advocated.
机译:我们研究了九种来自橄榄油,葡萄酒和姬松茸蘑菇农用工业的废物和副产品的堆肥。将它们与泥炭以1:3 w w p#的比例混合,并在盆栽实验中进行比较评估,以评估其对土壤传播的番茄和叶面病原菌的抑制作用。当将所有堆肥改良剂在固化后立即施用(T0)时,均表现出对番茄疫霉的高抑制性,表明出现了一般抑制现象(植物病害发生率降低了81-100%)。但是,当它们在治愈后9个月使用时,效果相对较差(T1,疾病减少55-100%)。对尖孢镰刀菌f.sp.的抑制作用萝卜-lycopersici Jarvis&Shoemaker相对较低,并且在堆肥中差异很大(T0和T1的植物病害发生率分别降低了8-95%和22-87%)。三种堆肥赋予了对叶面病原体Septoria lycopersici Speg的诱导的系统抗性。确定了生物特性,包括呼吸作用,荧光素二乙酸酯水解和堆肥的邻葡糖苷酶活性。对九种堆肥的比较评估表明,没有共享的关键生物或非生物特征,表明它们对土壤传播的和叶面病原体具有抑制作用。讨论了堆肥抑制的复杂原因,并提倡针对特定用途对每种堆肥产品进行单独评估。



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