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Imaging the impossible: an fMRI study of impossible causal relationships in magic tricks.


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Understanding causal relationships and violations of those relationships is fundamental to learning about the world around us. Over time some of these relationships become so firmly established that they form part of an implicit belief system about what is possible and impossible in the world. Previous studies investigating the neural correlates of violations of learned relationships have focused on relationships that were task-specific and probabilistic. In contrast, the present study uses magic-trick perception as a means of investigating violations of relationships that are long-established, deterministic, and that form part of the aforementioned belief system. Compared to situations in which expected causal relationships are observed, magic trick perception recruited dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), brain regions associated with the detection of conflict and the implementation of cognitive control. These activations were greater in the left hemisphere, supporting a role for this hemisphere in the interpretation of complex events. DLPFC is more greatly activated by magic tricks than by surprising events, but not more greatly activated by surprising than non surprising events, suggesting that this region plays a special role in causality processing. The results suggest a role for cognitive control regions in the left hemisphere in a neurobiology of disbelief.
机译:了解因果关系和对那些关系的侵犯是了解我们周围世界的基础。随着时间的流逝,其中的一些关系变得如此牢固,以至于它们构成了关于世界上可能与不可能的隐性信念系统的一部分。先前研究违反学习关系的神经相关性的研究集中在特定于任务和概率的关系上。相反,本研究使用魔术技巧感知作为调查长期存在的,确定性的,构成上述信念体系一部分的违反关系的一种手段。与观察到预期因果关系的情况相比,魔术窍门招募了背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)和前扣带回皮层(ACC),与冲突检测和认知控制相关的大脑区域。这些激活在左半球更大,支持该半球在解释复杂事件中的作用。 DLPFC通过魔术而不是意外事件被更大程度地激活,但是通过意外事件而不是非意外事件被更大程度地激活,这表明该区域在因果关系处理中起着特殊的作用。结果表明,在难以置信的神经生物学中,左半球的认知控制区发挥了作用。



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