首页> 外文期刊>Neuro-psychoanalysis : >Perspectives on decision-making: implications for understanding psychopathology in psychiatric and psychoanalytic practice

Perspectives on decision-making: implications for understanding psychopathology in psychiatric and psychoanalytic practice


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Research on decision-making from the perspectives of economics, game theory, and neuroscience has been expanding rapidly over the last three decades [Kable, J. W, & Glimcher, P. W. (2009). The neurobiology of decision: Consensus and Controversy. Neuron, 63, 733-745]. However, there is relatively little exploration of impairment of decision-making, as a symptom of psychic dysfunction, in clinical psychiatric or psychoanalytic literature. As a result there is a widening gap between the understanding of psychopathology among clinically oriented psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, and the evolving importance of decision-making as presented by the neuroscience research community. "Decision-making" as a psychic function is not currently considered an important criteria for defining, classifying, understanding or treating psychopathology. This paper is an attempt by a clinician to point to the significance of decision-making as a clinical phenomenon, and to explore the various components of decision-making that are relevant to clinicians and can serve as guideposts for further neurobiological research.
机译:在过去的三十年中,从经济学,博弈论和神经科学的角度对决策进行的研究一直在迅速扩展[Kable,J. W,&Glimcher,P. W.(2009)。决策的神经生物学:共识与争议。 Neuron,63,733-745]。但是,在临床精神病学或精神分析学文献中,很少有关于决策障碍(作为心理功能障碍症状)的探索。结果,在面向临床的精神科医生和精神分析师之间对精神病理学的理解与神经科学研究领域提出的决策制定的重要性之间的差距越来越大。 “决策”作为一种心理功能,目前不被认为是定义,分类,理解或治疗精神病理学的重要标准。本文是临床医生试图指出决策作为一种临床现象的重要性,并探索与临床医生相关的决策的各个组成部分,可以作为进一步神经生物学研究的指南。



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