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Effect of foliar feeding of liquid organic manures on yield and economics of rice


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Field experiments were conducted at Annamalai University, Annamalainagar to study the effect of foliar feeding of liquid organic manures on yield and economics of rice during Rabi 2012 (January to April) and kharif 2012 (June to September). The experiments were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. There were eleven treatments involving panchakavya, fish amino acid and vermiwash sprayed at different concentrations and time. The results revealed that foliar application of vermiwash @ 5 % at tillering and flowering stages resulted in significantly higher number of grain and straw yield, followed by fish amino acid @ 3 % at tillering and flowering. Foliar application of vermiwash @5% at tillering and flowering recorded significantly higher net return and B : C ratio.
机译:在Annamalainagar的Annamalai大学进行了田间试验,研究了在2012年拉比(1月至4月)和2012年6月至10月的哈里夫期间,叶面饲喂液态有机肥对水稻产量和经济性的影响。将实验布置在具有三个重复的随机区组设计中。共有11种治疗方法,分别以不同浓度和时间喷洒panchakavya,鱼氨基酸和朱砂洗剂。结果表明,在分er和开花期叶面施用Vermiwash @ 5%可显着提高谷物和稻草的产量,其次是在分er和开花时鱼类氨基酸@ 3%。分till期和开花期叶面喷施5%的朱砂水记录的净收益和B:C比率显着更高。



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