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Propagation of Atlantic Ocean swells in the north Indian Ocean: A case study


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An analysis of altimeter significant wave height data of May 2007 revealed the occurrence of an extreme weather event off southern tip of South Africa in the Atlantic Ocean, and generation of a series of very high swells at 40?° S. These swells propagated towards northeast and broke over La R??union island in the Indian Ocean on 12 May 2007. The wave model WAVEWATCH III was used to study the propagation of these swells in the Indian Ocean. The model was validated for the Indian Ocean using moored buoy data at 12 locations and merged altimeter wave data. The wave model accurately reproduced the event of May 2007. Swell heights, of the order of 15.0 m, at the generation area reduced to 6.0 m near La R??union island. This study shows that the swells generated in the Roaring Forties of the Atlantic Ocean (between 15?° to 80?° E longitude) propagate in the NE/NNE direction towards the north Indian Ocean, and wave characteristics of the Arabian Sea are least influenced compared to that of Bay of Bengal, when swells from the Atlantic Ocean enter the Indian Ocean. The double peak spectrum extracted for the Bay of Bengal indicates that one of the peaks is due to swells generated off southern tip of South Africa.
机译:对2007年5月的高度计重要波高数据的分析表明,在南非南端附近大西洋发生了极端天气事件,并在40?S处产生了一系列极高的隆起。这些隆起向东北传播并于2007年5月12日突破了印度洋的拉鲁尼翁岛。波浪模型WAVEWATCH III用于研究这些涌浪在印度洋的传播。使用12个位置的系泊浮标数据和合并的高度计波数据对印度洋进行了模型验证。波浪模型准确地再现了2007年5月的事件。在拉鲁尼翁岛附近,发电区的隆起高度降低到了6.0 m,约为15.0 m。这项研究表明,在大西洋咆哮的四十年代(经度在15?°至80?°之间)产生的膨胀沿NE / NNE方向向北印度洋传播,而对阿拉伯海的波浪特征影响最小。与孟加拉湾相比,当从大西洋涌入印度洋时。孟加拉湾提取的双峰光谱表明,其中一个峰是由于南非南端附近产生的涌浪所致。



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