首页> 外文期刊>Natural Hazards >A fuzzy model to assess disaster risk reduction maturity level based on the Hyogo Framework for Action

A fuzzy model to assess disaster risk reduction maturity level based on the Hyogo Framework for Action


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The Hyogo Framework for Action was conceived to help nations build resilience against disasters. This framework was negotiated and approved by the United Nations at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Hyogo, Japan, in 2005. Disaster risk reductions systems are multi-agency integrated environment needing clear goals and ways to assess their evolution for planning purposes. The assessment of risk reduction maturity levels in countries/cities is difficult due to the large amount of data that must be collected and integrated to assess what is being done within each action indicated by the Hyogo Framework. Most indicators dependent on human perception are used in this assessment, making it highly dependent on the evaluators' perceptions. The objective of this work is to propose a participatory fuzzy model able to assess the maturity level of disaster risk reduction using indicators in line with the Hyogo Framework. We apply the model and the evaluation method in an exploratory study in the city of Rio de Janeiro where there are several communities at risk of landslides due heavy rains.



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