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Shale Metamorphosis Is Profound, But True Value May Well Be Lost


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North American shale resources are so vast, so overwhelming that they have transformed the global energy landscape in a few short years. "At the time of the first Obama inauguration, fears of 'peak oil' reigned; billions were being spent to construct import terminals for liquefied natural gas; and green energy ads had dominated the airways during the 2008 Obama-McCain duel," said Deloitte analyst Joseph A. Stanislaw. "By the time of the second Obama inauguration, fossil fuel reserves had multiplied and US oil production had increased 30 percent; the liquefied natural gas import terminals had become white elephants." And globally, there have been "tectonic shifts in the realms of energy, economics and geopolitics," he said, especially as global oil giants lose leverage over nations with newfound unconventional resource wealth.
机译:北美页岩资源是如此之大,以至于不堪重负,以至于它们在短短几年内改变了全球能源格局。德勤说:“在奥巴马首次就职典礼之时,人们对'石油峰值'的担忧开始盛行;人们花费了数十亿美元建设液化天然气的进口站;在2008年奥巴马-麦凯恩对决中,绿色能源广告占据了航空业的主导地位。”分析师约瑟夫·斯坦尼斯劳(Joseph A. Stanislaw)。 “到第二次奥巴马就职典礼时,化石燃料储备已经成倍增加,美国的石油产量增加了30%;液化天然气进口码头已经变成了大象。”他说,在全球范围内,“能源,经济和地缘政治领域发生了结构性变化”,尤其是当全球石油巨头失去对拥有新发现的非常规资源财富的国家的控制力时。



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