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Nematode colonisation of artificial water-filled tree holes


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Nematodes inhabiting artificial water-filled tree holes were monitored over 16 months by placing 300 plastic cups in four forest areas. For the first time we investigated the importance of forest soils for nematode dispersal and colonisation of tree holes. On average, 91% of the cups were settled by a total of 35 species (maximum 58 336 individuals 100 cm(-2)). They were dominated by the bacterial feeder Dolichorhabditis dolichura (32.4%) and the hyphal feeders Laimaphelenchus penardi (23.6%) and Laimaphelenchus sp. (13.4%); 84.4% had lengths 0.75 mm and in only 6% of the water-filled tree holes were male nematodes found. None of the most common species was detected in the soils of the sampling sites. However, a meta-community analysis revealed a random turnover. The properties of the identified nematodes (small body size, anhydrobiosis, parthenogenesis) made them highly amenable to dispersal by wind and account for their rapid colonisation of a wide range of habitats.
机译:通过在四个森林地区放置300个塑料杯,在16个月内对居住在人工充水的树洞中的线虫进行了监测。我们首次调查了森林土壤对于线虫扩散和树洞定植的重要性。平均而言,91%的杯子被总共35种(最大58336个100 cm(-2)的个体)定居。它们以细菌饲养者Doichhorhabditis dolichura(32.4%)和菌丝饲养者Laimaphelenchus penardi(23.6%)和Laimaphelenchus sp。为主导。 (13.4%); 84.4%的长度小于0.75 mm,仅6%的充满水的树洞中发现了雄性线虫。在采样地点的土壤中未检测到最常见的物种。但是,一项元社区分析显示,营业额是随机的。鉴定出的线虫的特性(体型小,脱水,单性生殖)使其非常适合风吹散,并说明了它们在各种生境中的快速定殖。



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