首页> 外文期刊>Neurobiology of disease >Dentate gyrus progenitor cell proliferation after the onset of spontaneous seizures in the tetanus toxin model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Dentate gyrus progenitor cell proliferation after the onset of spontaneous seizures in the tetanus toxin model of temporal lobe epilepsy


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Temporal lobe epilepsy alters adult neurogenesis. Existing experimental evidence is mainly from chronic models induced by an initial prolonged status epilepticus associated with substantial cell death. In these models, neurogenesis increases after status epilepticus. To test whether status epilepticus is necessary for this increase, we examined precursor cell proliferation and neurogenesis after the onset of spontaneous seizures in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy induced by unilateral intrahippocampal injection of tetanus toxin, which does not cause status or, in most cases, detectable neuronal loss. We found a 4.5 times increase in BrdU labeling (estimating precursor cells proliferating during the 2nd week after injection of toxin and surviving at least up to 7. days) in dentate gyri of both injected and contralateral hippocampi of epileptic rats. Radiotelemetry revealed that the rats experienced 112 ± 24 seizures, lasting 88 ± 11. s each, over a period of 8.6 ± 1.3. days from the first electrographic seizure. On the first day of seizures, their duration was a median of 103. s, and the median interictal period was 23. min, confirming the absence of experimentally defined status epilepticus. The total increase in cell proliferation/survival was due to significant population expansions of: radial glial-like precursor cells (type I; 7.2. ×), non-radial type II/III neural precursors in the dentate gyrus stem cell niche (5.6. ×), and doublecortin-expressing neuroblasts (5.1 ×). We conclude that repeated spontaneous brief temporal lobe seizures are sufficient to promote increased hippocampal neurogenesis in the absence of status epilepticus.
机译:颞叶癫痫改变成人神经发生。现有的实验证据主要来自与大量细胞死亡相关的初始长期癫痫持续状态诱导的慢性模型。在这些模型中,癫痫持续状态后神经发生增加。为了测试癫痫持续状态是否是必要的,我们在单侧海马注射破伤风毒素诱导的颞叶癫痫模型中检查了自发性癫痫发作后前体细胞的增殖和神经发生,可检测到神经元丢失。我们发现癫痫大鼠的对侧海马齿状回中BrdU标记增加了4.5倍(估计毒素注射后第二周内前体细胞增殖,并至少存活了7天)。放射遥测显示,大鼠经历了8.6±1.3的癫痫发作112±24次,每次持续88±11 s。从第一次电图发作开始的几天。在癫痫发作的第一天,其持续时间的中位数为103 s,发作间隔的中位数为23分钟。这证实了没有实验确定的癫痫持续状态。细胞增殖/存活率的总体增加归因于以下方面的显着种群扩张:放射状胶质样前体细胞(I型; 7.2。×),齿状回干细胞生态位中的非放射型II / III型神经前体(5.6。 ×)和双皮质表达神经母细胞(5.1×)。我们得出结论,在没有癫痫持续状态的情况下,反复自发的短暂颞叶癫痫发作足以促进海马神经发生的增加。



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