
Differential protein expression in the corpus callosum (splenium) of human alcoholics: a proteomics study.


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It is widely accepted that the chronic use of alcohol induces metabolic abnormalities and neuronal damage in the brain, which can lead to cognitive dysfunction. Neuroimaging studies reveal that alcohol-induced brain damage is region specific and prominent damage has been observed in both gray and white matter of the prefrontal cortex, and a wide range of white matter structures including the corpus callosum. Molecular mechanisms underlying these structural changes are largely unknown. Using proteomics we have analysed the changes in protein expression in the splenium of the corpus callosum in two different alcoholic groups. Protein extracts from splenium of 22 human brains (nine controls, seven uncomplicated alcoholics and six complicated alcoholics with hepatic cirrhosis-designated complicated) were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophorosis. Image analysis revealed that there were significant alterations in protein expression for 25 protein spots in the uncomplicated alcoholic group and 45 in the complicated group compared to control (P<0.05; ANOVA). In a total of 72 spots (identified as 36 proteins), 15 (identified as 14 proteins) spots overlapped between two alcoholic groups. Another 32 protein spots (26 different proteins) were identified only in the complicated alcoholics. It is therefore possible that these 26 proteins in the complicated group are likely to be the results of hepatic compromise. When compared with our previous data of white matter from the prefrontal cortex in alcoholics, large numbers of identified proteins in the splenium are different. This suggests that there may be different mechanisms causing alcohol-induced brain damage in different regions of the white matter. Our data also indicate the importance of other pathways including oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and apoptosis as potential causes of alcohol-induced brain damage.
机译:长期使用酒精会引起大脑中的代谢异常和神经元损伤,这可能导致认知功能障碍,这一点已被广泛接受。神经影像学研究表明,酒精引起的脑损伤是特定于区域的,并且在前额叶皮层的灰和白质以及包括white体在内的各种白质结构中都观察到了明显的损伤。这些结构变化的分子机制在很大程度上尚不清楚。使用蛋白质组学,我们分析了两个不同酒精组的call体脾中蛋白质表达的变化。使用二维凝胶电泳分离了来自22个人脑的脾脏的蛋白质提取物(9个对照,7个简单的酒精中毒者和6个复杂的酒精性肝硬化(称为肝硬化))。图像分析表明,与对照组相比,单纯酒精组中25个蛋白点和复杂组中45个蛋白点的蛋白表达有显着变化(P <0.05; ANOVA)。在总共72个斑点(标识为36个蛋白质)中,两个酒精基团之间有15个斑点(标识为14个蛋白质)重叠。仅在复杂的酗酒者中发现了另外32个蛋白斑点(26种不同的蛋白)。因此,复杂组中的这26种蛋白质可能是肝功能受损的结果。与我们先前在酒精中毒中来自前额叶皮层的白质数据相比,脾中鉴定出的大量蛋白质有所不同。这表明可能有不同的机制在白质的不同区域引起酒精引起的脑损伤。我们的数据还表明其他途径的重要性,包括氧化应激,脂质过氧化和细胞凋亡是酒精引起的脑损伤的潜在原因。



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