首页> 外文期刊>Neurotoxicology and teratology >Lead effects on neurobehavioral development in the neonatal rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta).

Lead effects on neurobehavioral development in the neonatal rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta).


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Effects of lead exposure on behavioral development during the first month of postnatal life were examined in rhesus monkeys using a multi-item assessment scale developed for the evaluation of neonatal rhesus monkeys. Lead was administered daily beginning at day 8 postpartum at levels that produced blood lead levels of about 20 microg/dl by week 4 (n = 48); controls were treated identically but given vehicle only (n = 24). All monkeys were tested once a week for the first 4 weeks postpartum. The first principal component explained a substantial portion of the variance and was relatively consistent across ages for both groups. Analyses of the individual items and of both conceptually derived and empirically defined summary scores yielded no significant effects of lead. Furthermore, there were no systematic relationships between blood lead level and performance on the test. Correlation coefficients indicated more similarity across age for control monkeys than for lead-exposed monkeys suggesting that continuity of development, as measured by this test, was disrupted by lead. The relationship between outcome on these early assessments and later behavior will be explored in subsequent studies of these monkeys.
机译:使用为评估新生恒河猴而开发的多项目评估量表,在恒河猴中检查了铅暴露对产后第一个月行为发展的影响。从产后第8天开始每天服用铅,到第4周时的血铅水平约为20微克/分升(n = 48)。对照组的治疗方法相同,但仅给予赋形剂(n = 24)。在产后的前4周,每周对所有猴子进行一次测试。第一个主要成分解释了差异的很大一部分,并且两组的年龄之间相对一致。对单个项目以及从概念上得出和根据经验定义的摘要得分进行的分析均未对线索产生重大影响。此外,在测试中血铅水平和表现之间没有系统的关系。相关系数表明对照猴子比暴露于铅的猴子在年龄上的相似性更高,这表明该试验测量的发育连续性被铅破坏。这些早期评估的结果与后来的行为之间的关系将在这些猴子的后续研究中探讨。



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