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Don't Let the Auto Crisis Take You for a Ride


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How will the automotive industry shake out in 2009? Lost in the carnage of the mortgage-lending crisis that resulted in a massive government bailout is the now-seemingly meager USD25 billion government-backed loan program for the automotive industry. Details are sparse and no one in the industry really knows exactly how the loan program will work or when it will kick off, but we do know that automotive suppliers are eligible for some of that program's low-interest money. Funds are earmarked for dated operations looking to retool to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles - a nod to Ford, GM and Chrysler, domestic OEMs that tend to occupy older facilities than transplant OEMs - and the parts makers that supply them. (The Precision Metalforming Association was instrumental in inclusion of assistance for suppliers, lobbying vigorously on behalf of that provision.)
机译:2009年汽车行业将如何振兴?抵押贷款危机给政府带来了大规模的救助,其损失似乎是如今看来微不足道的250亿美元由政府支持的汽车行业贷款计划。细节稀疏,业内没人真正知道该贷款计划将如何运作或何时开始,但我们确实知道汽车供应商有资格获得该计划的一些低息资金。已将资金专用于过时的生产活动,以期寻求重组以生产更具燃油效率的车辆-福特,通用汽车和克莱斯勒,国内OEM往往比移植OEM占用更老设备的国内OEM及其供应商。 (精密金属成型协会在帮助供应商方面发挥了作用,代表该规定大力游说。)



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