首页> 外文期刊>Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management >Environmental safety of entomopathogenic nematodes - effects on abundance, diversity and community structure of non-target beetles in a forest ecosystem.

Environmental safety of entomopathogenic nematodes - effects on abundance, diversity and community structure of non-target beetles in a forest ecosystem.


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The large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis, is a serious threat to reforestation in Europe that necessitates routine use of chemical insecticides. Application of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) to the coniferous tree stumps in which weevils breed has the potential to reduce the use of chemical pesticides. During field trials to assess the efficacy of nematodes against pine weevil, non-target beetles were also identified and quantified on 10 sites (14 trials). Nematodes were applied to stumps between June and July. Emergence traps captured beetles exiting from nematode-treated and untreated control stumps. Four trials were monitored in the months immediately following nematode application and ten were monitored the year after nematode application. A total of 65 species of non-target beetles were recovered, including 11 saproxylic species. We found no evidence of an effect of applied EPN on non-target beetle species richness, abundance, species richness per individual collected, or Shannon's entropy (H') either immediately or a year after nematode application, when more wood-specialists were recorded. As expected, there were marked differences between sites and/or tree species in the populations of non-target beetles recovered. These results indicate that when EPN are applied in a forest ecosystem to suppress H. abietis populations, the risk to non-target coleopteran populations must be considered negligible.
机译:大型松象鼻虫,Hylobius abietis,对欧洲的植树造林构成了严重威胁,需要常规使用化学杀虫剂。将昆虫病原线虫(EPN)应用于象鼻虫繁殖的针叶树桩有减少化学农药使用的潜力。在评估线虫对松象鼻虫功效的现场试验期间,还对10个地点的非目标甲虫进行了鉴定和定量(14个试验)。线虫于六月至七月间施用于树桩。出现的陷阱捕获了从经过线虫处理和未经处理的对照树桩中出来的甲虫。在施用线虫后的几个月内监测了四项试验,在施用线虫后的第二年监测了十项。总共回收了65种非目标甲虫,包括11种七叶树种。我们发现没有证据表明施用EPN对线虫施用后立即或一年后的非目标甲虫物种丰富度,丰度,每个采集物种的物种丰富度或香农熵(H')产生了影响,当记录更多的木材专家时。正如预期的那样,在回收的非目标甲虫种群中,地点和/或树种之间存在明显差异。这些结果表明,当在森林生态系统中应用EPN来抑制Abietis种群时,对非目标鞘翅目种群的风险必须忽略不计。



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