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Crystal arthritis: Tendon damage in gout-A role for MSU crystals?


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Aim: To estimate the prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) of different joints in rural areas of Iran. Methods: From five villages of Tuyserkan County, 1565 individuals were randomly selected and were interviewed to complete the Community Oriented Programme for Control of the Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) Core Questionnaire. Among these cases 1192 cases with rheumatic complaints were examined by a rheumatologist and laboratory and radiology tests were performed if necessary for the diagnosis. Definition of OA in various joints, were based on American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria. Results: About 20% of the study population had OA in at least one of their joints. Prevalence of OA in the knee joint was 19.34%, in hand joins was 2.66% and in the neck was 2.21%. The most common findings on physical examination of patients with knee OA, hand OA and neck OA were bony crepitus (88.9%), Heberden's nodes (73.2%) and pain on movement (59.9%), respectively. Conclusions: This study revealed that OA in rural areas of Iran was more frequent in comparison with urban areas of Iran. Moreover, the prevalence of OA in rural areas of Iran was higher in comparison with prevalence of OA in rural areas of other Asian countries. Similar to previous studies OA was more frequently detected in the knee joint.
机译:目的:评估伊朗农村地区不同关节的骨关节炎(OA)患病率。方法:从Tuyserkan县的五个村庄中随机抽取1565名个体并进行访谈,以完成针对社区的风湿病控制程序(COPCORD)核心问卷调查。在这些病例中,由风湿病学家检查了1192例风湿性主诉,并根据诊断进行了实验室和放射学检查。 OA在各个关节中的定义均基于美国风湿病学会(ACR)标准。结果:大约20%的研究人群至少在其一个关节中患有OA。膝关节骨关节炎的患病率为19.34%,手部骨关节炎的患病率为2.66%,颈部骨关节炎的患病率为2.21%。膝骨关节炎,手骨关节炎和颈部骨关节炎患者的体格检查最常见的发现分别是骨性cre(88.9%),希伯登结(73.2%)和运动疼痛(59.9%)。结论:该研究表明,与农村地区相比,伊朗农村地区的OA更为频繁。此外,与其他亚洲国家的农村地区的OA患病率相比,伊朗农村地区的OA患病率更高。与以前的研究相似,在膝关节中发现OA的频率更高。



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