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Catheter revision for the treatment of intractable exit site infection/tunnel infection in peritoneal dialysis patients: A single centre experience


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Aim: Catheter-related infection is a major cause of catheter loss in peritoneal dialysis (PD). We evaluated the effect of catheter revision on the treatment of intractable exit site infection (ESI)/tunnel infection (TI) in PD patients who required catheter removal. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 764 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients from May 1995 to April 2011 at our hospital. One hundred and twenty six patients had more than one occurrence of ESI. Catheter revision was performed to treat intractable ESI/TI. Incidence of ESI, causative organisms and the outcomes of catheter revision were analyzed. Results: The total PD duration of all patients was 32 581 months. Three hundred and twelve ESI episodes occurred in 126 patients and the incidence of ESI was 1/104 patient-months (0.12/patient-year). The most common causative organism was methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) (98 episodes), followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (63 episodes) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) (28 episodes). Among these, catheter revision was required due to intractable ESI/TI in 36 patients. The most common causative organism was MSSA (14 episodes) followed by P. aeruginosa (10 episodes) and MRSA (six episodes) in catheter revision cases. The outcomes of catheter revision were as follows: ESI relapsed in 11 patients (30.6%) after catheter revision. Among them, five patients were treated with antibiotic treatment, two patients required secondary catheter revision, four patients required catheter removal due to ESI/TI accompanying peritonitis. The catheter survival rate after catheter revision was 89.7% in one year. There were no statistical differences in the rates of ESI relapse after catheter revision between ESI caused by P. aeruginosa (5/10, 50%) and ESI caused by S. aureus (6/21, 28.6%). Conclusion: Catheter revision may be an alternative treatment option to treat intractable ESI/TI before catheter removal is considered in PD patients. This paper details how PD catheter revision may be an alternative option to catheter removal for refractory exit site infections and tunnel infections. This involves the removal of the external cuff and infected tissue above the internal cuff and creation of a new subcutaneous tunnel and exit-site under local anaesthetic. There were 36 catheter revisions performed and the outcomes are presented in addition to details of this group's PD exit site infection rate, organisms involved and outcomes over 32 581 PD patient months.
机译:目的:与导管相关的感染是腹膜透析(PD)中导管丢失的主要原因。我们评估了导管修订术对需要拔除导管的PD患者顽固性出口部位感染(ESI)/隧道感染(TI)的治疗效果。方法:我们回顾了1995年5月至2011年4月在我院进行的764例非卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)连续患者的病历。 126位患者发生了超过一次的ESI。进行导管翻修以治疗顽固性ESI / TI。分析了ESI的发生率,病原体和导管翻修的结果。结果:所有患者的总PD持续时间为32 581个月。 126例患者发生了312次ESI发作,ESI的发生率为1/104患者-月(0.12 /患者-年)。最常见的致病菌是对甲氧西林敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌(MSSA)(98次),其次是铜绿假单胞菌(63次)和耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)(28次)。其中,由于36例患者的ESI / TI难以治疗,因此需要进行导管修订。在导管翻修病例中,最常见的致病菌是MSSA(14次),其次是铜绿假单胞菌(10次)和MRSA(6次)。导管翻修的结果如下:导管翻修后ESI复发11例(30.6%)。其中,有5例患者接受了抗生素治疗,其中2例患者需要二次导管修订,由于ESI / TI伴有腹膜炎,有4例患者需要移除导管。一年内导管翻修后的导管生存率为89.7%。铜绿假单胞菌引起的ESI(5/10,50%)和金黄色葡萄球菌引起的ESI(6/21,28.6%)在导管翻修后ESI复发率方面无统计学差异。结论:在PD患者中考虑拔除导管之前,修订导管可能是治疗顽固性ESI / TI的替代治疗选择。本文详细介绍了PD导管翻修如何可以替代去除难治性出口部位感染和隧道感染的导管。这涉及去除外部袖带和内部袖带上方的感染组织,并在局部麻醉下创建新的皮下隧道和出口部位。进行了36次导管修订,并详细介绍了该组的PD出口部位感染率,涉及的生物体以及32581 PD患者月的结果。



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