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Ripartitella (Agaricales) from an Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco, Brazil


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This paper presents two neotropical species of Ripartitella collected at Northeast Brazil: R. alba is a new record from Brazil, and R. brasiliensis is cited for the first time from this Brazilian region. A key to species, descriptions, discussion, drawings and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are provided. Ripartitella Singer was originally placed in Agaricaceae Cheval. tribe Cystodermatae Fayod, near to the lepiotoid genus Cystoderma Fayod, mainly because of the similarity of cystidia (Singer 1947, 1986). Some authors, using morphological and anatomical data (e.g., Pegler 1977, 1983, Ovrebo 1988, Franco-Molano 1993) and molecular data (Johnson & Vilgalys 1998), excluded these genera from Agaricaceae and transferred them to Tricholomataceae R. Heim ex Pouzar. Hawksworth et al. (1995) and Kirk et al. (2001) also considered these genera in Tricholomataceae, but Moncalvo et al. (2000,2002) conclude that the taxonomic position of Ripartitella and Cystoderma remains unresolved.In Brazil, only R. brasiliensis was previously reported (Singer 1950, 1953, Pegler 1997, Matheus et al. 2000, Okino et al. 2000).
机译:本文介绍了巴西东北部收集到的两种新热带贝类:R。alba是来自巴西的新记录,R。brasiliensis首次在该巴西地区被引用。提供了物种,描述,讨论,附图和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)的关键。 Ripartitella Singer最初放在木耳蘑菇中。靠近皮表虫类Cystoderma Fayod的部落Cystodermatae Fayod,主要是因为囊藻的相似性(Singer 1947,1986)。一些作者利用形态学和解剖学数据(例如Pegler 1977,1983,Ovrebo 1988,Franco-Molano 1993)和分子数据(Johnson&Vilgalys 1998),将这些属从伞菌科中排除,然后将其转移到Tricholomataceae R.Heim ex Pouzar。 Hawksworth等。 (1995)和Kirk等。 (2001年)也考虑了这些属在口蘑科,但Moncalvo等。 (2000,2002)得出的结论是,Ripartitella和Cystoderma的分类位置仍未解决。在巴西,以前仅报道了巴西乳杆菌(Singer 1950,1953,Pegler 1997,Matheus等2000,Okino等2000)。



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