首页> 外文期刊>Biological Journal of the Linnean Society >Learning and memory in mimicry: II. Do we understand the mimicry spectrum?

Learning and memory in mimicry: II. Do we understand the mimicry spectrum?


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The evolution of mimicry is driven by the behaviour of predators. However, there has been little systematic testing of the sensitivity of evolutionary predictions to variations in assumptions about predator learning and forgetting. To test how robust mimicry theory is to such behavioural modifications we combined sets of rules describing ways in which learning and forgetting might operate in vertebrate predators into 29 computer predator behaviour systems. These systems were applied in simulations of simplified natural mimicry situations, particularly investigating the nature of density-dependence and the benefits and losses conferred by mimicry across a spectrum of palatabilities. The classical Batesian-Muellerian spectrum was generated only by two of our 29 predator behaviour systems. Both of these 'classical predators' had extreme asymptotes of learning and fixed rate, time dependent forgetting. All edible mimics were treated by them as Batesian in that they parasitized their model's protection and had positive monotonic effects of density on model-mimic attack rates. All defended mimics were treated as Muellerian (Mullerian) in that their presence benefited their Model's protection, and showed negative monotonic density effects on attack rates. With the remaining 27 systems Batesian or Muellerian relationships extended beyond their conventional edibility boundaries. In some cases, Muellerian mimicry extended into the edible region of the 'palatability spectrum' (we term this quasi-Muellerian mimicry), and in others Batesian mimicry extended into the 'unpalatable', defended half of the spectrum (quasi-Batesian mimicry). Although most of the 29 behaviour systems included at least some regions of true Batesian and Muellerian mimicries, if forgetting was triggered by avoidance events (as suggested by J.E. Huheey) rather than by the passage of time then the mimicry spectrum excluded Mullerian mimicry altogether, and was composed of Batesian and quasi-Batesian mimicries. In addition the classical prediction of monotonic density-dependent predation was shown not to be robust against variations in the forgetting algorithm. Time based forgetting which is retarded by observations of prey, or which varies its rate according to the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness of a prey generates non-monotonic results. Ar low mimic densities there is a positive effect on attack rates and at higher densities a negative effect. Overall, the mode of forgetting has a more significant effect on mimetic relationships than the rate of learning. It seems to matter little whether learning and forgetting are switched or gradual functions. Predictions about mimetic evolution are therefore sensitive to assumptions about predator behaviour! though more so to variations in forgetting than learning rate. Based on findings from animal psychology and mimetic populations, Mle are able to rule out a number of predator behaviour systems. We suggest that the most credible of our 29 predators are those which generate results which incorporate Batesian, quasi-Batesian and Muellerian mimicries across the 'palatability spectrum'. (C) 1999 The Linnean Society of London.
机译:拟态的进化是由掠食者的行为驱动的。然而,关于捕食者学习和遗忘的假设,关于进化预测对变化的敏感性的系统性测试很少。为了测试模仿行为理论对这种行为修饰的鲁棒性,我们将描述脊椎动物捕食者学习和遗忘的方式的规则集组合成29种计算机捕食者行为系统。这些系统被用于模拟简化的自然拟态情况,特别是研究密度依赖性的性质以及拟态在各种适口性范围内带来的利弊。经典的贝茨-穆勒光谱仅由我们29个捕食者行为系统中的两个产生。这两个“古典掠夺者”都具有极强的学习渐进性和固定的时间依赖时间的遗忘。他们将所有可食用的模拟物都视为Batesian,因为它们寄生了其模型的保护,并且密度对模型模拟物的攻击率具有积极的单调影响。所有被捍卫的模仿者都被视为Muellerian(Mullerian),因为它们的存在有益于其模型的保护,并表现出对攻击率的负面单调密度影响。在剩下的27个系统中,贝特斯关系或穆勒关系不再超出其传统的可食用性边界。在某些情况下,Muellerian拟态扩展到“可食性频谱”的可食用区域(我们称为准Muellerian拟态),在其他情况下,Batesian拟态扩展到“不可食性”,捍卫了频谱的一半(准Batesian拟态) 。尽管29个行为系统中的大多数都至少包含真实的贝茨和穆勒模仿对象区域,但如果遗忘是由回避事件触发的(如JE Huheey所建议),而不是随着时间的流逝而出现,则模仿谱完全排除了穆勒模仿行为,并且由Batesian和准Batesian拟态组成。另外,关于遗忘算法的单调依赖密度捕食的经典预测显示出对鲁棒性的鲁棒性。基于时间的遗忘会因观察到的猎物而受阻,或者根据猎物的愉悦或不愉快程度而改变其发生率,从而产生非单调的结果。在低模拟密度下,对发动率有积极影响,在高密度下则有消极影响。总体而言,遗忘模式对模仿关系的影响远大于学习速度。学习和遗忘是转换功能还是渐进功能似乎无关紧要。因此,关于拟态进化的预测对关于捕食者行为的假设很敏感!尽管忘记率的变化远比学习率高。根据动物心理学和模拟人群的发现,Mle可以排除许多捕食者行为系统。我们建议,在我们的29个捕食者中,最可信的是那些在“可食性范围”内将贝茨,拟贝茨和穆勒拟态结合起来的结果。 (C)1999年伦敦林奈学会。



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