首页> 外文期刊>Nature Communications >Creation of helical Dirac fermions by interfacing two gapped systems of ordinary fermions

Creation of helical Dirac fermions by interfacing two gapped systems of ordinary fermions


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Topological insulators are a unique class of materials characterized by a Dirac cone state of helical Dirac fermions in the middle of a bulk gap. When the thickness of a three-dimensional topological insulator is reduced, however, the interaction between opposing surface states opens a gap that removes the helical Dirac cone, converting the material back to a normal system of ordinary fermions. Here we demonstrate, using density function theory calculations and experiments, that it is possible to create helical Dirac fermion state by interfacing two gapped films—a single bilayer Bi grown on a single quintuple layer Bi2Se3 or Bi2Te3. These extrinsic helical Dirac fermions emerge in predominantly Bi bilayer states, which are created by a giant Rashbaeffect with a coupling constant of ~4eV-A due to interfacial charge transfer. Our results suggest that this approach is a promising means to engineer topological insulator states on non-metallic surfaces.



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