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High-profile departure ends genome institute's charmed run.


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The personal divorce was final two years ago. The professional one dragged on until April, when Claire Fraser-Liggett left the organization headed by her ex-husband, genome scientist J. Craig Venter, to hoist her own flag over a new institute at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. As she left, the organization she shepherded to star status in the scientific world melted behind her: on 11 April, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), over which Fraser-Liggett had presided since 1998, was absorbed into the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) and ceased to exist. Fraser-Liggett says her departure was spurred by the decision in October to make TIGR a division of the JCVI. "It was just unclear to me what my role in the new organization would be," she says. "[But] I want to emphasize that I am not looking to escape a bad situation." Venter, who is president and chair of the 500-employee JCVI, insists that little has changed. Genome sequencing, he said in a press release, will remain a "cornerstone" of the institute's activities, as will the microbial and plant sequencing that were TIGR's province.
机译:个人离婚是两年前的最后一次。专业人士一直拖到四月,克莱尔·弗雷泽-利吉特(Claire Fraser-Liggett)离开了由前夫基因组科学家J.克雷格·文特(J. Craig Venter)领导的组织,将自己的旗帜悬挂在巴尔的摩马里兰大学的一所新学院上。当她离开时,她在科学界大放异彩的组织在她身后融化了:4月11日,弗雷泽·利格特(Fraser-Liggett)自1998年以来一直主持的基因组研究所(TIGR)被J. Craig Venter吸收。研究所(JCVI)不再存在。弗雷泽-利吉特(Fraser-Liggett)表示,她的离职是受到10月份决定将TIGR划分为JCVI部门的刺激。她说:“我对我在新组织中的角色还不清楚。” “ [但是]我想强调,我不是想摆脱困境。” Venter是拥有500名员工的JCVI的总裁兼主席,他坚持认为一切都没有改变。他在新闻稿中说,基因组测序将继续成为研究所活动的“基石”,TIGR所在省的微生物和植物测序也将如此。



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