首页> 外文期刊>Cancer science. >Deletion status of p16 in effusion smear preparation correlates with that of underlying malignant pleural mesothelioma tissue

Deletion status of p16 in effusion smear preparation correlates with that of underlying malignant pleural mesothelioma tissue


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Differentiating malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) cells morphologically from reactive mesothelial hyperplasia cells is problematic. Homozygous deletion (HD) of p16 (CDKN2A), detected by FISH, is a good marker of malignancy and is useful to differentiate between these cells. However, the correlation between the p16 status of effusion smears and that of the underlying MPM tissues has not been investigated. We used p16-specific FISH to investigate 20 cases of MPM from which both effusion cytologic smears and histologic specimens were available. In five cases, histologic specimens included both an invasive component and surface mesothelial proliferation. In 14 cases (70%), MPM cells in both tissue sections and effusion smears were p16 HD-positive. Conversely, MPM cells in the remaining six tumors (30%) were p16 HD-negative in both tissue sections and effusion smears. For all five MPM cases with surface mesothelial proliferations and invasive components, the effusion smears, surface mesothelial proliferations, and invasive MPM components all displayed p16 deletion. Moreover, the extent to which p16 was deleted in smears highly correlated with the extent of p16 deletion in tissues. The p16 deletion percentages were also similar among smears, tissue surface proliferations, and invasive components. In cases with clinical and radiologic evidence of a diffuse pleural tumor, detection of p16 deletion in cytologic smear samples may permit MPM diagnosis without additional tissue examination. However, the absence of p16 deletion in cytologic smear samples does not preclude MPM.
机译:在形态学上将恶性胸膜间皮瘤(MPM)细胞与反应性间皮增生细胞区分开来是有问题的。通过FISH检测到的p16(CDKN2A)纯合缺失(HD)是恶性肿瘤的良好标志,可用于区分这些细胞。但是,尚未研究积液涂片的p16状态与下层MPM组织的状态之间的相关性。我们使用p16特异性FISH来调查20例MPM,从中可以获得积液细胞学涂片和组织学标本。在五种情况下,组织学标本包括侵袭性成分和表面间皮增生。在14例(70%)中,组织切片和积液涂片中的MPM细胞均为p16 HD阳性。相反,其余六个肿瘤(30%)中的MPM细胞在组织切片和积液涂片中均为p16 HD阴性。对于所有五个具有表面间皮增生和侵入性成分的MPM病例,积液涂片,表面间皮增生和侵入性MPM成分均显示p16缺失。而且,涂片中p16缺失的程度与组织中p16缺失的程度高度相关。在涂片,组织表面增殖和侵入性成分之间,p16缺失百分数也相似。在具有弥漫性胸膜肿瘤的临床和放射学证据的情况下,在细胞学涂片样本中检测到p16缺失可允许进行MPM诊断,而无需进行额外的组织检查。但是,细胞学涂片样本中不存在p16缺失并不排除MPM。



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