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ESR1 mutations-a mechanism for acquired endocrine resistance in breast cancer


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Approximately 70% of breast cancers are oestrogen receptor a (ER) positive, and are, therefore, treated with endocrine therapies. However, about 25% of patients with primary disease and almost all patients with metastases will present with or eventually develop endocrine resistance. Despite the magnitude of this clinical challenge, the mechanisms underlying the development of resistance remain largely unknown. In the past 2 years, several studies unveiled gain-of-function mutations in ESR1, the gene encoding the ER, in approximately 20% of patients with metastatic ER-positive disease who received endocrine therapies, such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors. These mutations are clustered in a 'hotspot' within the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the ER and lead to ligand-independent ER activity that promotes tumour growth, partial resistance to endocrine therapy, and potentially enhanced metastatic capacity; thus, ER LBD mutations might account for a mechanism of acquired endocrine resistance in a substantial fraction of patients with metastatic disease. In general, the absence of detectable ESR1 mutations in patients with treatment-naive disease, and the correlation between the frequency of patients with tumours harbouring these mutations and the number of endocrine treatments received suggest that, under selective treatment pressure, clonal expansion of rare mutant clones occurs, leading to resistance. Preclinical and clinical development of rationale-based novel therapeutic strategies that inhibit these ER mutants has the potential to substantially improve treatment outcomes. We discuss the contribution of ESR1 mutations to the development of acquired resistance to endocrine therapy, and evaluate how mutated ER can be detected and targeted to overcome resistance and improve patient outcomes.
机译:大约70%的乳腺癌是雌激素受体a(ER)阳性,因此需要进行内分泌治疗。但是,约25%的原发性疾病患者和几乎所有转移性患者都会出现或最终发展为内分泌耐药。尽管这一临床挑战的规模巨大,但耐药性发展的潜在机制仍然未知。在过去的两年中,几项研究揭示了在大约20%接受过他莫昔芬和芳香化酶抑制剂等内分泌治疗的转移性ER阳性疾病的患者中,ESR1的功能获得突变,该基因编码ER。这些突变聚集在ER配体结合域(LBD)内的“热点”中,并导致不依赖配体的ER活性,从而促进肿瘤生长,对内分泌治疗的部分耐药以及潜在的转移能力增强;因此,ER LBD突变可能是转移性疾病患者中相当一部分获得性内分泌抵抗的机制。一般而言,未经治疗的疾病患者中没有可检测到的ESR1突变,且携带这些突变的肿瘤患者的发生频率与接受内分泌治疗的次数之间的相关性表明,在选择性治疗压力下,罕见突变体的克隆扩增发生克隆,导致抗药性。基于基本原理的新颖治疗策略的临床前和临床开发可抑制这些ER突变体,有可能显着改善治疗效果。我们讨论了ESR1突变对内分泌治疗获得性抗药性发展的贡献,并评估了如何检测到突变的ER,并有针对性地克服了耐药性并改善了患者预后。



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