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Quantum phenomena in Nanotechnology


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Twenty years ago the Institute of Physics launched the journal Nanotechnology from its publishing house based in the home town of Paul Dirac, a legendaryfigure in the development of quantum mechanics at the turn of the last century. Atthe beginning of the 20th century, the adoption of quantum mechanicaldescriptions of events transformed the existing deterministic world view. But inmany ways it also revolutionised the progress of research itself. For the first timesince the 17th century when Francis Bacon established inductive reasoning as themeans of advancing science from fact to axiom to law, theory was progressingahead of experiments instead of providing explanations for observations that hadalready been made. Dirac's postulation of antimatter through purely theoreticalinvestigation before its observation is the archetypal example of theory leadingthe way for experiment. The progress of nanotechnology and the development oftools and techniques that enabled the investigation of systems at the nanoscalebrought with them many fascinating observations of phenomena that could onlybe explained through quantum mechanics, first theoretically deduced decadespreviously.
机译:二十年前,物理研究所在其故乡保罗·狄拉克(Paul Dirac)的出版社发行了《纳米技术》杂志,这是上世纪初量子力学发展的传奇人物。 20世纪初,对事件的量子力学描述的采用改变了现有的确定性世界观。但是它以多种方式也革命了研究本身的进展。自17世纪第一次,当弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)将归纳推理确立为推动科学从事实到公理再到法律的主题时,理论就在实验之前发展,而不是为已经作出的观察提供解释。狄拉克在观察到之前通过纯粹的理论研究来提出反物质的假设,这是理论引导实验方法的典型例子。纳米技术的进步以及工具和技术的发展使对纳米系统的研究成为可能,这些现象带来了许多令人着迷的现象,这些现象只能通过量子力学来解释,而这种理论最早是在数十年前从理论上推导出来的。



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