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Typification des taxons corses de I'herbier de Litardiere

机译:I'herbier de Litardiere科西嘉生物群的代表

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The Litardiere herbarium (depositedin G) contains many types that have previously been overlooked. The aim Of this work was to identify all the new Corsican taxa then to extract all the type specimens from Corsica present in that herbarium and reported by Litardiere and other botanists. 97 new Corsican taxa have been identified, and for 91 taxa, 135 type specimens (including duplicates) were found. This type material has been carefully typified as 36 holo-, 49 lecto-, 2 isolecto- and 47 syntypes. 45 taxa were described by 'R. de Litardiere himself, 30 by K. H. Zahn (for Hieracium L:), 9 by J. L. van Soest (for Taraxacani F.H. Wigg.)and 13 by other botanists (J. Arenes, J. M. C. Arvet-Touvet, J. Gamisans, R. Maire, K. Ronniger, G. Rouy, A. Saint-Yves and T. G. Yuncker). These taxa belong to 20 families and 33 genera, but about the half (48) belong to Asteraceae, and are essentially species-from Taraxacum and Hieracium.
机译:Litardiere植物标本室(存放在G中)包含许多以前被忽略的类型。这项工作的目的是确定所有新的科西嘉人分类群,然后从该植物标本室中存在的,由Litardiere和其他植物学家报告的科西嘉岛中提取所有类型的标本。确定了97个科西嘉人新的分类单元,发现了91个分类单元的135个标本(包括重复的标本)。这种类型的材料已被仔细地分类为36种全同型,49种电同型,2种等电同型和47种同型。 R描述了45个分类单元。 de Litardiere本人,KH Zahn(对于Hieracium L :),30,JL van Soest(对Taraxacani FH Wigg。)而言是9,其他植物学家(J. Arenes,JMC Arvet-Touvet,J。Gamisans,R。Maire, K. Ronniger,G。Rouy,A。Saint-Yves和TG Yuncker)。这些分类群属于20属33属,但大约一半(48)属于菊科,并且基本上是蒲公英属和山柳属的种。



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