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The water war in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Privatization triggers an uprising


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Powerful forces are compelling Latin American countries to privatize state enterprises and public services, including water services. These forces the World Bank (WB), transnational enterprises, national and regional governments and local elites--came together in Gochabamba, Bolivia, in a case that illustrates how international agencies and transnational enterprises operate, and reveals how the government and local elites work against the interests of their own people. What happened in Bolivia also illustrates the limitations of privatization. The population challenged a water privatization contract that was extremely disadvantageous to them. An extraordinary uprising forced the government to break a contract with Aguas del Tunari, a consortium led by the Bechtel Corporation. This transnational enterprise would have made large profits fi'om its monopoly on water service and the chance to impose profitable rates. Grassroots power shown by the population, particularly peasants, has since forced the government to modify a law that converted water into a commodity. The struggle also forced the government to pass a subsequent law classifying water as a public good and respecting traditional water management practices.
机译:强大的力量正在迫使拉丁美洲国家对国有企业和包括水服务在内的公共服务进行私有化。这些力量促使世界银行(WB),跨国企业,国家和地区政府以及地方精英在玻利维亚的Gochabamba聚在一起,展示了国际机构和跨国企业的运作方式,并揭示了政府和地方精英的工作方式损害自己人民的利益。玻利维亚发生的事情也说明了私有化的局限性。居民对水私有化合同提出了挑战,这对他们极为不利。一次特大起义迫使政府中断了与Bechtel Corporation牵头的财团Aguas del Tunari的合同。这家跨国企业原本可以垄断供水服务,并获得提高利润率的机会,但本来可以赚取巨额利润。此后,人民,特别是农民所表现出的基层力量,迫使政府修改了一项将水转化为商品的法律。斗争还迫使政府通过了随后的法律,将水列为公共利益,并尊重传统的水管理做法。



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