首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Seasonal differences in migration patterns of a soaring bird in relation to environmental conditions: a multi-scale approach

Seasonal differences in migration patterns of a soaring bird in relation to environmental conditions: a multi-scale approach


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Many studies suggest that migratory birds are expected to travel more quickly during spring, when they are en route to the breeding grounds, in order to ensure a high-quality territory. Using data recorded by means of Global Positioning System satellite tags, we analysed at three temporal scales (hourly, daily and overall journey) seasonal differences in migratory performance of the booted eagle (Aquila pennata), a soaring raptor migrating between Europe and tropical Africa, taking into account environmental conditions such as wind, thermal uplift and day length. Unexpectedly, booted eagles showed higher travel rates (hourly speed, daily distance, overall migration speed and overall straightness) during autumn, even controlling for abiotic factors, probably thanks to higher hourly speeds, more straight routes and less non-travelling days during autumn. Tailwinds were the main environmental factor affecting daily distance. During spring, booted eagles migrated more quickly when flying over the Sahara desert. Our results raise new questions about which ecological and behavioural reasons promote such unexpected faster speeds in autumn and not during spring and how events occurring in very different regions can affect migratory performance, interacting with landscape characteristics, weather conditions and flight behaviour.
机译:许多研究表明,候鸟在春季到达繁殖场时会以更快的速度行进,以确保高质量的领土。利用通过全球定位系统卫星标签记录的数据,我们在三个时空尺度(每小时,每天和整体旅程)上分析了欧洲雄鹰(Aquila pennata)的迁徙性能的季节性差异。考虑到环境条件,例如风,热隆起和日长。出乎意料的是,有引导的老鹰在秋季表现出更高的行进速度(时速,每日距离,总体迁徙速度和总体平直度),甚至可以控制非生物因素,这可能归功于更高的每小时速度,更多的直行路线和秋季更少的非旅行天数。尾风是影响每日距离的主要环境因素。春季,在撒哈拉沙漠上空飞翔的雄鹰迁移得更快。我们的研究结果提出了新的问题,即哪些生态和行为原因会导致秋季而不是春季出人意料的更快的速度,以及在非常不同的地区发生的事件如何影响迁徙性能,与景观特征,天气条件和飞行行为相互影响。



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