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Nestmate recognition in social insects is sometimes more complex than an individual based decision to accept or reject


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Early work on the setting of acceptance thresholds for nestmate recognition suggested that an overlap between the odor templates used by different colonies could lead to a tradeoff between accepting nestmates and rejecting non-nestmates (Reeve 1989). In a recent paper, we pointed out an alternative approach to this problem (Johnson et al. 2011). We started with a literature review that suggests that rejection of nestmates is exceedingly rare in ants, although it does seem to occur in bees and wasps. Hence, ants do not seem to need to reject their own nestmates in order to exclude non-nestmates. Following this literature review, we suggested that if social insects are using gestalt mechanisms to generate a template of acceptable odors (reviewed by Tsutsui 2004; Martin and Drijfhout 2009), then the concept of overlap between the cues used by different colonies might be of little utility. The relevant question is rather one of errors due to limited sensory acuity. We then interpreted the rejection errors of bees from this perspective and showed that per encounter rejection rates may be part of a more accurate colony level collective decision-making process. Essentially, per encounter rejection rates can amplify over many encounters to a more accurate level of recognition than would be the case for a single interaction. Couvillon et al. (2011), in their commentary on this work, argue that our results are based on false assumptions. We disagree. Couvillon et al. raise three issues with our work, to which we respond below.
机译:早期关于确定巢伴侣识别的接受阈值的工作表明,不同菌落使用的气味模板之间的重叠可能会导致在接受巢伴侣和拒绝非巢伴侣之间进行权衡(Reeve 1989)。在最近的一篇论文中,我们指出了解决该问题的另一种方法(Johnson等,2011)。我们从一篇文献综述开始,该文献表明,蚂蚁对巢友的排斥非常罕见,尽管它似乎确实发生在蜜蜂和黄蜂中。因此,蚂蚁似乎不需要为了排除非同伴而拒绝自己的同伴。根据这篇文献综述,我们建议,如果社交昆虫利用格式塔机制生成可接受的气味模板(Ttsutsui,2004; Martin和Drijfhout,2009),那么不同殖民地使用的线索之间的重叠概念可能就很少。效用。相关的问题是由于有限的感觉敏锐度而导致的错误之一。然后,我们从这个角度解释了蜜蜂的拒绝错误,并表明每次遭遇的拒绝率可能是更准确的群体水平集体决策过程的一部分。本质上,与单个交互相比,每次遇到的拒绝率可以将多次遇到的放大率提高到更准确的识别水平。 Couvillon等。 (2011年)在对这项工作的评论中认为,我们的结果是基于错误的假设。我们不同意。 Couvillon等。在我们的工作中提出了三个问题,我们在下面对此做出回应。



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