首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Vocal dialect and genetic subdivisions along a geographic gradient in the orange-tufted sunbird

Vocal dialect and genetic subdivisions along a geographic gradient in the orange-tufted sunbird


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At least four hypotheses have been suggested to explain the formation and maintenance of song dialects among birds: historic processes (epiphenomenon), genetic or local adaptation, acoustic adaptation, and social adaptation. We studied spatial and temporal distribution of dialect in the orange-tufted sunbird (Nectarinia osea), a small nectarivorous bird that expanded its breeding range in Israel during the past 100 years from the southern part of Rift Valley to the entire country. Sunbird range expansion was concurrent with the establishment of many small settlements with an ethos of gardening, which introduced many ornithophilous plants. We recorded songs and genetically screened individual sunbirds in 29 settlements distributed across a 380 km north-south gradient along the Rift Valley. We show that dialects cluster together into geographical regions in 70% of cases, a moderate concurrence to geography. Settlement establishment date, geographical position, and genetic distance between local populations (i.e., settlements) were all poor predictors for the variance among song dialects. The specific effect of habitat was not tested because all sampled localities were similar in their physical and acoustic properties. Using a network analysis, we show that dialects seem to aggregate into several network communities, which clustered settlement populations from several regions. Our results are best explained by either the epiphenomenon hypothesis or the social adaptation hypothesis, but at present our data cannot state unequivocally which of these hypotheses is better supported. Last, we discovered a negative association between network centrality and genetic diversity, a pattern that requires further examination in other systems.
机译:已经提出了至少四个假设来解释鸟类中歌曲方言的形成和维持:历史过程(表象现象),遗传或局部适应,声学适应和社会适应。我们研究了橙色簇状太阳鸟(Nectarinia osea)中一种方言的时空分布,太阳鸟是一种小型的食肉鸟,在过去的100年中,其在以色列的繁殖范围从裂谷南部扩展到整个国家。 Sunbird范围的扩大与建立许多带有园艺精神的小型定居点同时进行,引入了许多嗜生植物。我们录制了歌曲,并对29个定居点中的太阳鸟进行了基因筛选,这些定居点分布在沿裂谷的南北380公里坡度上。我们表明,在70%的案例中,方言聚集在一起成为地理区域,这与地理学有关。定居日期,地理位置和当地人口之间的遗传距离(即定居点)对于歌曲方言之间的差异都是不良的预测指标。由于所有采样地点的物理和声学特性均相似,因此未测试栖息地的特定影响。使用网络分析,我们发现方言似乎聚集到几个网络社区中,这些社区聚集了来自多个地区的定居人口。我们的结果可以用表观现象假说或社会适应假说来最好地解释,但是目前我们的数据不能清楚地说明这些假说中哪个更能得到支持。最后,我们发现网络中心性与遗传多样性之间存在负相关关系,这种模式需要在其他系统中进行进一步研究。



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