首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Causes and consequences of contest outcome: aggressiveness, dominance and growth in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni

Causes and consequences of contest outcome: aggressiveness, dominance and growth in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni

机译:比赛结果的成因和后果:羊头剑尾Xiphophorus birchmanni的侵略性,统治力和成长性

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Although our understanding of how animal personality affects fitness is incomplete, one general hypothesis is that personality traits (e.g. boldness and aggressiveness) contribute to competitive ability. If so, then under resource limitation, personality differences will generate variation in life history traits crucial to fitness, like growth. Here, we test this idea using data from same-sex dyadic interaction trials of sheepshead swordtails (Xiphophorus birchmanni). In males, there was evidence of repeatable variation across a suite of agonistic contest behaviours, while repeatable opponent effects on focal behaviour were also detected. A single vector explains 80 % of the among-individual variance in multivariate phenotype and can be viewed as aggressiveness. We also find that aggressiveness predicts dominance-the repeatable tendency to win food in competition-and dominant individuals show faster post-trial weight gain (independently of initial size). In females, a dominance hierarchy predictive of weight gain was also found, but there was no evidence of variation in aggressiveness. While size often predicts contest outcome, our results show that individuals may sometimes grow larger because they are behaviourally dominant rather than vice versa. When resources are limited, personality traits such as aggression can influence growth, life history, and fitness through impacts on resource acquisition.
机译:尽管我们对动物个性如何影响健身的理解尚不完全,但一个普遍的假设是,人格特质(例如大胆和进取)有助于竞争能力。如果这样的话,那么在资源的限制下,人格差异会导致生活史特质的变化,而这些特质对于健康至关重要,例如成长。在这里,我们使用羊头剑尾鱼(Xiphophorus birchmanni)的同性二元交互作用试验数据验证了这一想法。在雄性中,有证据表明一系列激动性竞赛行为之间存在可重复的变化,同时还检测到对手对焦点行为的可重复影响。单个向量解释了多变量表型中个体差异的80%,可以看作是侵略性。我们还发现,攻击性可以预测优势-竞争中赢得食物的可重复趋势-显性个体显示出较快的审判后体重增加(独立于初始体重)。在女性中,还发现了预测体重增加的优势等级,但没有证据显示攻击性会发生变化。尽管人数通常可以预测比赛的结果,但我们的结果表明,个体有时会变大,因为他们在行为上占主导地位,而不是相反。当资源有限时,攻击性等人格特质会通过对资源获取的影响来影响成长,生活史和健康状况。



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