首页> 外文期刊>Motor: The Power, the Prestige, the Passion >IS THE FALCON A SHOT DUCK? Does the FG model designation signify that the Falcon's Forever Gone?

IS THE FALCON A SHOT DUCK? Does the FG model designation signify that the Falcon's Forever Gone?

机译:猎鹰是只鸭子吗? FG型号名称是否表示Falcon的永远消失了?

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You could never accuse Ford Australia of being shy or even coy, but at the press launch of the new FG Falcon it ducked and weaved like Anthony Mundine at questions about how much the car cost to develop. The closest it came to any sort of figure was to say, sort of obliquely, that the FG was a bigger spend than the AU. Oh.
机译:您永远不能指责福特澳大利亚公司害羞甚至害羞,但是在新FG Falcon的新闻发布会上,它像Anthony Mundine一样回避和编织,对汽车的开发成本有疑问。与任何数字最接近的是,倾斜地说,FG比非盟花费更大。哦。



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