首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Familiarity with adults, but not relatedness, affects the growth of juvenile red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus)

Familiarity with adults, but not relatedness, affects the growth of juvenile red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus)

机译:对成年人的熟悉会影响幼体红背sal(Plethodon cinereus)的生长,但不会产生亲缘关系

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The relative roles of kinship and familiarity in affecting an individual's growth and fitness are not easy to disentangle. Not only is an individual more likely to have prior behavioral interactions with conspecifics in close proximity, it may also be related (in terms of kinship) to those nearby conspecifics. While some studies have inferred that kin discrimination affects fitness correlates, other studies found that familiarity alone can reduce aggressive interactions, thus increasing fitness. These studies have all focused on intra-age class pairs or groups. However, many animals interact with conspecifics from different cohorts. In many populations, adults of Plethodon cinereus territorially defend rocks and logs that retain moisture and food resources. We investigated whether juveniles of P. cinereus grew more in the presence of adults that were relatives or familiar. We collected pairs of juveniles and adults found under the same cover objects in the forest (familiar) and pairs of juveniles and adults found under different cover objects, approximately 10 m apart (unfamiliar). We determined parentage and relatedness of the adult-juvenile pairs and then placed these pairs in semi-natural mesocosms for 17 days. We found that juveniles housed with familiar adults had significantly greater increases in mass and snout-vent length than juveniles housed with unfamiliar adults in 2006 but not in 2007. Relatedness had no effect on growth. In addition, juveniles cohabitating with adults were not more likely to be their offspring. At least under certain environmental conditions, familiarity with adults, independent of relatedness or parentage, increased the growth of juvenile salamanders.
机译:亲戚关系和亲密关系在影响个体的成长和适应方面的相对作用不容易弄清。一个人不仅更可能与特定物种有密切的先前行为互动,而且还可能与附近的特定物种(就血缘关系而言)相关。虽然一些研究推断出亲属歧视会影响健康相关性,但其他研究发现,仅凭熟悉就可以减少积极的互动,从而增加健康度。这些研究都集中在年龄段内的配对或小组。但是,许多动物与来自不同队列的同种异体进行交互。在许多人群中,灰背竹的成年人在领土上保卫保留水分和食物资源的岩石和原木。我们调查了在有亲戚或熟人的成年人的存在下,灰褐对虾的幼体是否生长得更多。我们收集了在森林中相同覆盖物下发现的成对少年和成年(熟悉),以及在相隔约10 m的不同覆盖物之下发现的成对少年和成年(不熟悉)。我们确定了成年-少年对的亲子关系和亲缘关系,然后将它们放在半自然的中型宇宙中,持续了17天。我们发现,与不熟悉的成年人一起生活的青少年在2006年的质量和口鼻孔长度增加明显大于不相熟悉的成年人一起生活的青少年,但在2007年则没有。关联性对生长没有影响。此外,与成年人同居的青少年不太可能成为其后代。至少在某些环境条件下,不依赖亲戚或父母的情况下与成年人的熟悉会增加幼体sal的生长。



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