首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Immunization reduces vocal communication but does not increase oxidative stress in a songbird species

Immunization reduces vocal communication but does not increase oxidative stress in a songbird species


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It is hypothesized that variation in immune function between individuals is due to costs incurred to sustain it. Support for this hypothesis mostly comes from short-term studies on the either costs of innate responses or a combination of innate and antibody responses. Key studies on the fitness and physiological costs of acquired immunity, in which the antibody response is specifically stimulated over a long period, are lacking. We specifically stimulated the antibody response against a virus (Newcastle virus) in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) for 2 months to test whether immunization reduces a fitness-related trait (song rate) and increases oxidative stress. Immunization did not affect the total song rate, but it caused a reduction of the undirected song rate (produced away from the nest box and mostly used for establishing dominance hierarchy). We also found that immunized birds had a lower nest-box-oriented song rate (mostly used to attract females) than control birds although the interaction between treatment and sampling period was not significant. Immunization did not cause any changes in the blood oxidative status. Starlings with a higher nest-box-oriented song rate had significantly lower levels of oxidative protein damage. Finally, starlings that skipped the antibody response had an oxidative status similar to that of starlings that produced antibodies, but they had overall a lower rate of undirected song. Our results suggest that (i) immunized starlings preserved the song used to attract mates but not that used in social interactions and (ii) the antibody response incurs costs that are reflected in the expression of song, but also that these costs are unlikely to be determined by oxidative stress. Our results also suggest that bird song might convey information about a male's oxidative status.
机译:据推测,个体之间免疫功能的差异是由于维持免疫功能而产生的成本所致。对这一假设的支持主要来自对先天反应成本或先天和抗体反应结合的短期研究。缺乏关于获得性免疫的适应性和生理成本的关键研究,在该研究中,长期特异性刺激抗体反应。我们专门刺激了雄性欧洲八哥(Sturnus vulgaris)中的一种病毒(新城疫病毒)的抗体反应2个月,以测试免疫是否降低了健身相关性状(歌曲比率)并增加了氧化应激。免疫并不会影响总歌曲速率,但是会降低无方向的歌曲速率(从巢箱产生,主要用于建立主导地位)。我们还发现,尽管处理和采样时间之间的交互作用并不明显,但免疫鸟的巢箱定向歌率(主要用于吸引雌鸟)要比对照鸟低。免疫没有引起血液氧化状态的任何变化。巢盒定向歌曲率较高的鸟的氧化蛋白损伤水平明显较低。最后,跳过抗体反应的八哥具有与产生抗体的八哥类似的氧化状态,但总体上无定向歌曲的发生率较低。我们的结果表明(i)免疫的八哥保留了用来吸引伴侣的歌曲,但没有保留用于社交互动中的歌曲,并且(ii)抗体应答会产生反映在歌曲表达中的成本,但这些成本不太可能是由氧化应力决定。我们的结果还表明,鸟歌可能传达了有关雄性氧化状态的信息。



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