首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Fuz1, a MYND domain protein, is required for cell morphogenesis in Ustilago maydis

Fuz1, a MYND domain protein, is required for cell morphogenesis in Ustilago maydis

机译:Fuz1,一种MYND域蛋白,是乌斯拉蒂瓜(Ustilago maydis)细胞形态发生所必需的

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Ustilago maydis is a Basidiomycete fungus that exhibits a yeast-like nonpathogenic form and a dikaryotic filamentous pathogenic form. Generation of these two forms is controlled by two mating type loci, a and b. The fungus undergoes additional morphological transitions in the plant that result in formation of a third cell type, the teliospore. The fuz1 gene is necessary for this developmental program. Here we report cloning and sequencing of fuz1 and show that it contains an open reading frame with coding capacity for a protein of 1421 amino acids. The Fuz1 protein belongs to the family of MYND Zn finger domain proteins. We generate a null mutation in strains of opposite mating type and show that fuz1 is necessary for conjugation tube formation, a morphological transition that occurs in response to pheromones. We generate fuz1(-) diploid strains heterozygous at a and b and show that fuz1 is also necessary for postfusion events (maintenance of filamentous growth). We also demonstrate that fuz1 is necessary for cell morphogenesis of the yeast-like cell: normal cell length, location and number of septa, cell separation and constriction of the neck region. Fuz1 is also required for cell wall integrity and to prevent secretion of a dark pigment. We propose that the MYND domain may interact with different proteins to regulate cell morphogenesis.
机译:Maytilago maydis是一种担子菌真菌,具有酵母样的非致病性形式和双核丝状致病性形式。这两种形式的产生由两个交配型基因座a和b控制。真菌在植物中经历了另外的形态学转变,导致形成第三种细胞类型,即芽孢。 fuz1基因对于该发育程序是必需的。在这里,我们报告了fuz1的克隆和测序,并显示它包含一个开放阅读框,具有1421个氨基酸的蛋白质的编码能力。 Fuz1蛋白属于MYND Zn指域蛋白家族。我们在相反交配类型的菌株中产生无效突变,并表明fuz1对于共轭管形成是必需的,这是对信息素的响应而发生的形态学转变。我们生成a和b杂合的fuz1(-)二倍体菌株,并显示fuz1对于融合后事件(维持丝状生长)也是必需的。我们还证明了fuz1对于酵母样细胞的细胞形态发生是必需的:正常细胞长度,隔垫的位置和数量,细胞分离和颈部区域的收缩。 Fuz1也是细胞壁完整性和防止深色颜料分泌所必需的。我们建议MYND域可能与不同的蛋白质相互作用,以调节细胞的形态发生。



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