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Consequences of paternal care on pectoral fin allometry in a desert-dwelling fish


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Positive static allometry is a scaling relationship where the relative size of traits covaries with adult body size. Traditionally, positive allometry is thought to result from either altered physiological requirements at larger body size or from strongly condition-dependent allocation under sexual selection. Yet, there are no theoretical reasons why positive allometry cannot evolve in fitness-related traits that are solely under the influence of natural selection. We investigated scaling and sexual dimorphism of a naturally selected trait, pectoral fin size, in comparison to a trait important in male-male combat, head width in natural populations of a fish, the desert goby Chlamydogobius eremius. Male desert gobies provide uniparental care and use their pectoral fins to fan the brood (often under hypoxic conditions); hence, larger fins are expected to be more efficient. Male pectoral fins do not appear to fulfil a signalling function in this species. We found that, for both pectoral fin size and head width, males exhibited positive allometric slopes and greater relative trait size (allometric elevation) than females. However, for head width, females also showed positive allometry, albeit to a lesser degree than males. Because fin locomotory function typically does not result in positive allometry, our findings indicate that other naturally selected uses, such as paternal care, can exaggerate trait scaling relationships.
机译:正静态异速测量法是一种比例关系,其中性状的相对大小与成年人体大小相关。传统上,积极的异体测量被认为是由于较大体型时生理要求的改变或性别选择下强烈依赖条件的分配所致。但是,没有理论上的理由说明为什么正向异速癖不能在仅受自然选择影响的健身相关性状中发展。我们调查了自然选择的性状,胸鳍大小的缩放和性二态性,与在雄性-雄性战斗中重要的性状,鱼类自然种群的头宽(虾虎鱼Chlamydogobius eremius)相比。男性沙漠go虾提供单亲照顾,并用它们的胸鳍扇动繁殖(通常在低氧条件下);因此,较大的散热片有望获得更高的效率。在该物种中,雄性胸鳍似乎不具有信号传导功能。我们发现,对于胸鳍大小和头宽,雄性都比雌性表现出正的异体斜率和更大的相对性状大小(异体高度)。然而,就头宽而言,女性也表现出正向异形,尽管程度比男性要小。由于鳍运动功能通常不会导致正向异形,因此我们的研究结果表明,其他自然选择的用途(例如,父亲的照护)会夸大性状缩放关系。



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