首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Circumscription of Botryosphaeria species associated with Proteaceae based on morphology and DNA sequence data

Circumscription of Botryosphaeria species associated with Proteaceae based on morphology and DNA sequence data


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Botryosphaeria spp. occur on and cause diseases of Proteaceae, but accurate identification has been problematic due to the lack of clear species circumscriptions of members of this genus. In this study, 46 isolates of Botryosphaeria from proteaceous hosts growing in various parts of the world were studied, using morphology, cultural characters and sequence data from the ITS region of the rDNA operon. Five Botryosphaeria spp. were found to be associated with Proteaceae. Botryosphaeria lutea was isolated from Banksia and Buchinghamia spp. in Australia, and a single isolate was obtained from Protea cynaroides in South Africa. Botryosphaeria proteae was associated only with South African Proteaceae, but occurred in many parts of the world. Another Botryosphaeria sp. that occurred exclusively on South African Proteaceae represents a new taxon that is described as B. protearum. This pathogen was found on South African Proteaceae cultivated in Australia; Hawaii; Portugal, including the Madeira Islands; and South Africa. Botryosphaeria,a ribis was associated with both South African and Australian Proteaceae and was isolated from material collected in Australia, Hawaii and Zimbabwe. A single occurrence of B. obtusa as an endophyte was recorded from P. magnifica in South Africa. In addition to providing a taxonomic overview of Botryosjlae ia spp. associated with Proteaceae, this paper clarifies for the first time the global distribution of these species. A key also is provided to facilitate their identification. A large number of new host and distribution records are made and a new species of Botryosphaeria from Proteaceae is described. [References: 52]
机译:灰霉菌属。发生在Proteaceae上并引起其疾病,但是由于缺乏该属成员的明确物种界限,准确鉴定一直是有问题的。在这项研究中,使用来自rDNA操纵子ITS区域的形态学,文化特征和序列数据,研究了来自世界各地的蛋白宿主的46种分离的灰霉菌。五个Botryosphaeria spp。被发现与Proteaceae有关。褐葡萄孢分离自Banksia和Buchinghamia spp。在澳大利亚,从南非的Protea cynaroides获得了一个分离株。葡萄孢仅与南非Proteaceae相关,但在世界许多地方都存在。另一个Botryosphaeria sp。仅发生在南非Proteaceae上的时间代表了一个新的分类群,称为B. protearum。这种病原体在澳大利亚种植的南非Proteaceae中发现。夏威夷葡萄牙,包括马德拉群岛;和南非。葡萄球菌(Botryosphaeria,ribis)与南非和澳大利亚的Proteaceae都有关联,并从澳大利亚,夏威夷和津巴布韦收集的材料中分离出来。在南非,从巨大假单胞菌中记录到单双孢杆菌作为内生菌。除了提供Botryosjlae ia spp的分类学概述之外。与Proteaceae相关联,本文首次阐明了这些物种的全球分布。还提供了一个密钥,以方便识别。记录了大量新的寄主和分布,并描述了一种来自Proteaceae的Botryosphaeria的新物种。 [参考:52]



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