首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >A GFP-based assay to quantify the impact of effectors on the ex planta development of the slowly growing barley pathogen Rhynchosporium commune

A GFP-based assay to quantify the impact of effectors on the ex planta development of the slowly growing barley pathogen Rhynchosporium commune

机译:一种基于GFP的测定法,用于量化效应子对缓慢生长的大麦病原体Rhynchosporium commune的体外发育的影响

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A growth assay was established for the barley pathogen Rhynchosporium commune with EGFP-tagged fungal mutants. This assay was used to study the effect of four antibiotics (hygromycin B, nourseothricin, kanamycin, phleomycin) and a herbicide (phosphinothricin) on fungal development. Fitting the growth curves to the modified Gompertz model allowed calculating growth parameters, such as lag periods of fungal colony formation and mycelial growth rates as well as EC50 values. Except kanamycin all compounds were efficient inhibitors so that the corresponding resistance-conferring genes can be used as markers for selection of fungal transformation-based mutants. In addition the assay was used to quantify the inhibitory activity of a barley secondary metabolite, the indole alkaloid gramine.
机译:建立了大麦病原体Rhynchosporium commune带有EGFP标签真菌突变体的生长试验。该测定法用于研究四种抗生素(潮霉素B,神经丝菌素,卡那霉素,毛霉素)和除草剂(草丁膦)对真菌发育的影响。将生长曲线拟合到改良的Gompertz模型可以计算出生长参数,例如真菌菌落形成的滞后时间和菌丝体生长速率以及EC50值。除卡那霉素外,所有化合物均为有效抑制剂,因此相应的赋予抗性的基因可用作选择基于真菌转化的突变体的标记。另外,该测定用于定量大麦次生代谢产物吲哚生物碱草胺的抑制活性。



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