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Heteroconium and Pirozynskiella n. gen., with comments on conidium transseptation

机译:Heteroconium和Pirozynskiella n。 gen。,有关分生孢子转座的评论

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Heteroconium citharexyli, the type species of this genus, is illustrated and redescribed as a sooty mold bearing acropetal chains of conidia showing a basifugal sequence of septation. Heteroconium neriifoliae, H. glutinosa and the Heteroconium synanamorph of Antennulariella concinna are congeneric. The latter species is neotypified, illustrated and described. Pirozynskiella new genus, typified by P. solaninum comb. nov. (=Helminthosporium solaninum), differs from Heteroconium in having an obligate association with asterinaceous fungi and in the centrifugal sequence of conidium transseptation after the initial median septum. Pirozynskiella costaricensis comb. nov. (=Dendryphion costaricensis) is illustrated and described. Heteroconium tetracoilum and H. chaetospira are fungicoles of wood and bark; the former has basifugal conidium septation and the latter has a centrifugal sequence. The two latter species can be excluded from the Heteroconium. Basifugal and centrifugal septation of conidia is discussed with reference to several sooty molds, to some foliicolous anamorphs with subcuticular hyphae (Heterosporiopsis) and to some wood and bark hyphomycetes (Septonema, Taeniolella). Ten other species included in Heteroconium are known to me only from their original descriptions; only one (H. asiaticum) is probably a sooty mold.
机译:瓜属异头孢霉(Certeroconium citharexyli)是该属的类型物种,已被说明并重新描述为带有分生孢子的顶生子房的分生孢子的子囊霉菌霉菌。杂臭海葵,H.glutinosa和孔雀蚁杂海藻是同种的。后一种物种被新类型化,说明和描述。 Pirozynskiella的新属,以P. solaninum梳为代表。十一月(= Helminthosporium solaninum)与Heteroconium的不同之处在于,它与牛油性真菌具有专性的联系,并且在初始中隔膜之后,分生孢子的转座过程是离心的。 Pirozynskiella costaricensis梳子。十一月(= Dendryphion costaricensis)被图示和描述。 co丝菌和H. chaetospira是木材和树皮的杀菌剂。前者具有basfufugal分生孢子分隔,后者具有离心顺序。后两个物种可以从杂种动物中排除。讨论了分生孢子的胚芽和离心分离,涉及几种煤烟霉菌,一些具有表皮下菌丝的无叶无性变形体(Heterosporiopsis)以及一些木材和树皮的菌丝体(Septonema,Taeniolella)。我仅从它们的原始描述中就知道了杂菌属中包含的其他十个物种;只有一种(H. asiaticum)可能是煤烟霉菌。



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