首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Defense by exploitation in the Florida carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus, at an extrafloral nectar resource

Defense by exploitation in the Florida carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus, at an extrafloral nectar resource

机译:通过在花外花蜜资源中利用佛罗里达木匠蚂蚁Camponotus floridanus进行防御防御

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When resources in a territory have a patchy distribution, intruders may successfully exploit unguarded patches. In such cases, territory owners may use exploitative strategies to reduce the gains of the intruders. The territorial ant Camponotus floridanus attends the leaf nectaries of Urena Lobata, which are also visited by the ant Pseudomyrex mexicanus and other intruders. Residents visited the nectaries at a high rate and in a systematic way, and thereby depressed the mean standing crop per nectary. This reduces the gains of randomly visting intruders which obtain the mean standing crop per nectary visit. Two or three residents were present on large plants and kept the mean standing crop at the same low level as at small plants with a single ant. This is an ideal free distribution of the ants. The resident ants visited the nectaries at a rate which increased in proportion to the nectar production per nectary. This is the expected systematic visitation when nectar production varies between nectares. It is suggested that systematic visitation and maximization of the visitation rate are evolutionarity stable strategies in both residents and intruders. However, the intruders are constrained by the residents, so that they visit the nectaries less frequently and in a random manner, and thus have a lower gain rate. When the resident was temporarily absent, the intruders visited the nectaries at a high rate and systematically.
机译:当区域中的资源分布不规则时,入侵者可能会成功利用不受保护的补丁。在这种情况下,地主可能会利用剥削策略来减少入侵者的收益。领地Camponotus floridanus栖息在Urena Lobata的叶子蜜腺中,Pseudomyrex mexicanus蚂蚁和其他入侵者也参观了它们。居民以系统的方式高效率地访问了蜜腺,从而压低了每个蜜腺的平均单季收成。这减少了随机访问入侵者的收益,入侵者获得了每次蜜腺访问的平均站立作物的数量。大型植物上有两个或三个居民,使平均站立作物的生长水平与单只蚂蚁的小型植物保持相同的低水平。这是理想的蚂蚁免费分发。居住的蚂蚁以与每个蜜腺的花蜜产量成正比的比例访问蜜腺。当花蜜在花蜜之间变化时,这是预期的系统拜访。建议在居民和入侵者中,系统的探访和探访率的最大化都是进化的稳定策略。但是,入侵者受到居民的限制,因此他们较少频繁地,随机地访问蜜腺,因此获得率较低。当居民暂时缺席时,入侵者高效率地系统地探访了蜜腺。



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