首页> 外文期刊>nuclear medicine and molecular imaging >Detection of Solitary Axillary Lymph Node Metastases from Hurthle Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid on F-18-FDG PET/CT

Detection of Solitary Axillary Lymph Node Metastases from Hurthle Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid on F-18-FDG PET/CT

机译:F-18-FDG PET/CT 上甲状腺 Hurthle 细胞癌孤立性腋窝淋巴结转移

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Thyroid carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of endocrine malignancies. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) constitutes 90 of the thyroid carcinomas, rest being medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC). Distant metastases occur in up to 10 of patients with DTC. Metastases to axillary lymph nodes (ALN) are very rare. As per literature, only 25 cases have been reported. We report an unusual case of 47-year-old male with Hurthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid presenting with a solitary axillary lymph node metastasis 17years after thyroidectomy, along with review of literature.
机译:甲状腺癌是内分泌恶性肿瘤中最常见的肿瘤。分化型甲状腺癌 (DTC) 占甲状腺癌的 90%,其余为甲状腺髓样癌 (MTC) 和甲状腺未分化癌 (ATC)。多达 10% 的 DTC 患者发生远处转移。腋窝淋巴结 (ALN) 转移非常罕见。根据文献,仅报告了 25 例病例。我们报告了一例罕见的 47 岁男性甲状腺 Hurthle 细胞癌病例,在甲状腺切除术 17 年后出现孤立性腋窝淋巴结转移,并回顾了文献。



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