首页> 外文期刊>Mycorrhiza >Temporal dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungi and persistence of Tuber melanosporum in inoculated Quercus robur seedlings in North Europe

Temporal dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungi and persistence of Tuber melanosporum in inoculated Quercus robur seedlings in North Europe


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Tuber melanosporum is widely cultivated outside its natural habitat in various climatic conditions. This study aims to monitor the persistence of T. melanosporum in inoculated oak seedlings and document temporal changes of native ectomycorrhizal fungi in an Estonian 5-year-old plantation. Sampling of ectomycorrhizal fungi was carried out in June-July 2011-2013 to provide DNA-based identification of the inoculated truffle species and other co-occurring ectomycorrhizal fungi. The mycorrhiza of T. melanosporum proved resistant to cold winters, and the fungus persisted well in the root systems of surviving seedlings albeit slight decline in relative colonization level over 3 years. We identified the genera Hymenogaster and Hebeloma to be the dominant ectomycorrhizal competing fungi in root systems. Good vegetative growth of mycelia and the presence of two compatible mating types suggest that cultivation of T. melanosporum is possible in the Nordic climate. Evaluation of fruit-body production will be a critical next step, because fruiting efficiency allows to determine economic feasibility and ecological sustainability of the P,rigord truffle cultivation in northern climate.
机译:在各种气候条件下,黑色素瘤菌在其自然栖息地以外广泛种植。这项研究旨在监测在接种的橡树幼苗中黑变种的持久性,并记录爱沙尼亚5岁人工林中天然外生菌根真菌的时间变化。 2011-2013年7月至7月进行了外生菌根真菌的采样,以提供基于DNA的接种松露菌种和其他共生外生菌根真菌的鉴定。 T. melanosporum的菌根已证明对寒冷的冬天具有抗性,尽管在3年内相对定植水平略有下降,但真菌在存活的苗木的根系中仍具有良好的持久性。我们确定Hymenogaster和Hebeloma属是根系中占主导地位的外生菌根竞争真菌。菌丝体的营养生长良好,并且存在两种兼容的交配类型,这表明在北欧气候下可能种植黑麦草。对子实体产量的评估将是下一步的关键,因为子实体的效率可以确定北部气候下松露菌的经济可行性和生态可持续性。



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