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Diversity and infectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils of the Sichuan Province of mainland China


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Knowledge about the presence and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in a specific area is an essential first step for utilizing these fungi in any application. The community composition of AMF in intensively managed agricultural soil in the Sichuan Province of southwest China currently is unknown. In one set of samples, AMF were trapped in pot cultures from 40 fields growing legumes in the Panxi region, southeast Sichuan. In a second set of samples, the MPN method with four-fold dilutions and maize as host was used to estimate infective propagules in soil from another 50 agricultural sites throughout the province. Soil types were heterogeneous and were classified as purple, yellow, paddy and red. Crops at each site were either maize, wheat or sweet orange. From this set of soil, AMF spores were also extracted and identified. Including all ninety soils, thirty glomeromycotan species in Glomus (20 species), Acaulospora (four species), Scutellospora (three species), Ambispora (one species), Archaeospora (one species) and Paraglomus (one species) were identified. Yellow, red and purple soils yielded similar numbers of AMF species, while AMF species diversity was clearly lower in paddy soil. In trap culture soils, the most frequent species were Glomus aggregatum or Glomus intraradices, Glomus claroideum and Glomus etunicatum. The species Acaulospora capsicula, Acaulospora delicata, G. aggregatum (or intraradices), G. claroideum, Glomus epigaeum, G. etunicatum, Glomus luteum, Glomus monosporum, Glomus mosseae and Glomus proliferum were successfully cultured as single-species pot cultures in Plantago lanceolata. The three most frequent species in field soils were G. mosseae, Glomus caledonium and Glomus constrictum. MPN values varied between 17 and 3334 propagules 100 g soil-p# among the fifty field sites sampled. Regression analysis, including host&soil, log(P) and pH as explanatory variables explained 59% of the variation in log(MPN). The highest MPN estimates were found in purple soil cropped with maize and citrus, 324 and 278 propagules 100 g soil-p#, respectively. The lowest MPN value, 54 propagules 100 g soil-p#, was measured in wheat in purple and yellow soil. Despite intensive agricultural management that can include often repeated tillage, our examination of 90 agricultural sites revealed that soils of the Sichuan region have moderate to high numbers of infective AMF propagules as well as a high AMF species diversity. This opens possibilities for further studies and utilization of AMF in agriculture and horticulture in the Sichuan province, People's Republic of China.
机译:了解特定区域的丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的存在和多样性是在任何应用中利用这些真菌必不可少的第一步。目前尚不清楚中国西南部四川省集约经营的农业土壤中AMF的群落组成。在一组样本中,AMF被捕获在四川东南部攀西地区40个种植豆类的田间盆栽中。在第二组样本中,使用四倍稀释液和玉米作为宿主的MPN方法估算了全省另外50个农业场所土壤中的传播性繁殖体。土壤类型是异质的,分为紫色,黄色,水稻和红色。每个站点的作物都是玉米,小麦或甜橙。从这组土壤中,还提取并鉴定了AMF孢子。包括所有九十种土壤在内,已鉴定出Glomus的三十种肾小球菌种(20种),Acaulospora(四种),Scutellospora(三种),Ambispora(一种),Archeospora(一种)和Paraglomus(一种)。黄色,红色和紫色土壤产生的AMF物种数量相似,而水稻土壤中的AMF物种多样性明显较低。在圈套培养土壤中,最常见的物种是聚集体Glomus orgradius inradiradis,Glomus claroideum和Glomus etunicatum。成功地在车前草中作为单种盆栽植物成功地培养了荚果棘孢菌,棘孢棘孢菌,集总芽孢杆菌(或内生辐射菌),球状芽孢杆菌,表皮glomus epigaeum,牛膝芽孢杆菌,glomus luteum,glomus monosporum,mosmuse和glomus proliferum。 。田间土壤中三种最常见的物种是mosseae,Glomus caledonium和Glomus constrictum。在50个采样点中,MPN值在100 g土壤p#的17和3334个繁殖体之间变化。回归分析,包括主体和土壤,log(P)和pH作为解释变量,解释了log(MPN)变化的59%。在种植了玉米和柑橘的紫色土壤中,分别有324和278个繁殖体100 g-p#,发现MPN最高。在紫色和黄色土壤中的小麦中测得的最低MPN值为54繁殖体100 g土壤-p#。尽管进行了密集的农业管理,包括经常的重复耕作,但我们对90个农业场所的检查显示,四川地区的土壤具有中等至高数量的感染性AMF繁殖体,并且具有较高的AMF物种多样性。这为在中国四川省的农业和园艺业中AMF的进一步研究和利用提供了可能性。



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